Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged, either directly or indirectly, into any public sewers, any of the following described substances, materials, waters or wastes:
(a)   No person shall make connection of old or new roof downspouts, storm water sump pumps, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains, or other sources of surface run-off or ground water to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.
(b)   No user shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof run-off, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer.
(c)   Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewer, or to a natural outlet approved by the Director of Public Service and OEPA. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, with the approval of the Director of Public Service and OEPA, to a storm sewer or natural outlet.
(d)   Prohibition of Illicit Discharges. No person shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, an illicit discharge into the MS4. The commencement, conduct, or continuance of any illicit discharge to the MS4 is prohibited except as described below:
(1)   Water line flushing: landscape irrigation; diverted stream flows; rising ground waters; uncontaminated ground water infiltration; uncontaminated pumped ground water; discharges from potable water sources; foundation drains; air conditioning condensate; irrigation water; springs; water from crawl space pumps; footing drains; lawn watering; individual residential car washing; flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; street wash water; and discharges or flows from fire fighting activities. These discharges are exempt until such time as they are determined by the City of Eastlake to be significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4.
(2)   Discharges specified in writing by the City of Eastlake as being necessary to protect public health and safety.
(3)   Discharges from off-lot discharging home sewage treatment systems permitted by the Lake County Board of Health for the purpose of discharging treated sewage effluent in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code 3701-29, or other applicable Lake County Board of Health regulations, until such time as the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency issues an NPDES permitting mechanism for Household Sewage Treatment Systems existing prior to January 1, 2007. These discharges are exempt unless such discharges are deemed to be creating a public health nuisance by the Lake County Board of Health.
(4)   In compliance with the City of Eastlake Storm Water Management Program, discharges form all off-lot discharging home sewage treatment systems must either be eliminated or have coverage under an appropriate NPDES permit issued and approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. When such permit coverage is available, discharges from off-lot discharging home sewage treatment systems will no longer be exempt from the requirements of this regulation.
(e)   Prohibition of Illegal Connections. The construction, use, maintenance, or continued existence of illegal connections to the MS4 is prohibited.
(1)   This prohibition expressly includes, without limitation, illegal connections made in the past, regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of connection.
(2)   A person is considered to be in violation of this regulation if the person connects a line conveying illicit discharges to the MS4, or allows such a connection to continue.
(f)   No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any pollutant, garbage, oil, sewage, grease, gasoline, waste, animal excrement, or any other substance with the exception of water, into any storm sewer, drainage ditch or natural waterway, unless permitted by the State or Federal government through a valid permit or license.
(g)   Pollutants which create fire or explosion hazard in the POTW, including, but not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140° F. or 60° C. using the test method specified in 40 CFR 261.21.
(h)   Any wastewater having a temperature which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW treatment plant resulting in interference, but in no case, wastewater with a temperature at the introduction into the POTW which exceeds forty degrees Centigrade. (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
(i)   Solid or viscous substances which may cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or other interference with the operation of the POTW such as, but not limited to: grease, garbage with particles greater than one-half inch in any dimension, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshing, entrails, whole blood, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, waste paper, wood, plastic, gas, tar, asphalt residues, residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, mud, or glass grinding or polishing wastes.
(j)   Any wastewater containing toxic pollutants including but not limited to the toxic pollutants listed in 40 CFR, Part 136, which, in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction, injure or interfere with any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or create a hazard in the receiving water of the sewage system. (Ord. 2011-103. Passed 7-12-11.)
   No user shall discharge wastewater containing concentrations of the following enumerated materials exceeding the following values except as otherwise indicated:
100 micrograms per liter
15 mg/l
Chromium (total)
7.5 mg/l
Hexavalent chromium
1.7 mg/l
3.0 mg/l
Copper as Cu
1.7 mg/l
0.3 ug/l and BMPs
4.0 mg/l
15 mg/l
4.6 mg/l
7.5 mg/l
0.48 mg/l
0.50 mg/l
Ammonia (N)
50 mg/l
Chlorine requirement defined as the amounts of chlorine in mg/l which must be added to produce a residual of 0.1 mg/l after a contact period of 15 minutes
30 mg/l
Chlorine residual
1.0 mg/l
100 micrograms per liter
And under further condition that at no time shall the concentration in any individual sample taken at the sewage treatment plant exceed three times the concentration here given irrespective of rate of sewage flow.
(k)   The Director may develop Best Management Practices (BMPs), by ordinance or in individual wastewater discharge permits to implement Local Limits and the requirements of Section 915.05.
(1)   Best Management Practices (BMPs) are hereby defined as an enforceable limit. No dischargers shall fail to comply with the BMP requirements in their wastewater discharge permit as issued in accordance with Section 939.28.
(l)   Any noxious or malodorous liquids, gases, or solids, which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life, or may be sufficient to prevent entry into a sewer for its maintenance and repair, or result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems.
(m)   Any substance which may cause the POTWs effluent or treatment residues, sludges or scums to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse, or to interfere with the reclamation process.
(n)   Any substance which will cause the POTW to violate its NPDES and/or other disposal system permits.
(o)   Any substance with objectionable color not removed in the treatment process such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions.
(p)   Any slug load, which means any pollutant, including oxygen-demanding pollutants (B.O.D., etc.) released in a single extraordinary discharge episode of such volume or strength as to cause interference to the POTW.
(q)   Any unpolluted water including, but not limited to, noncontact cooling water.
(r)   Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half life or concentration as exceed limits established by the City OEPA in compliance with applicable State or Federal regulations.
(s)   Any wastewater which causes a hazard to human life or creates a public nuisance.
(t)   Any waters or wastes containing strong acid wastes or concentrated plating solutions, unless pretreated.
(u)   Abnormal concentrations or inert suspended solids, such as, but not limited to, fuller's earth, lime slurries and lime residue, or of inert dissolved solids, such as, but not limited to, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium sulfate from ion exchange softeners.
(v)   Each discharger shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited or regulated materials or substances established by this chapter. Where necessary, facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited material shall be provided and maintained at the discharger's cost and expense. Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the City for review and acceptance before construction of the facility. Each existing user shall complete its plan and submit same by December 31, 1985. No user who discharges to the POTW after the aforesaid date shall be permitted to introduce pollutants into the system until accidental discharge protection procedures have been accepted. Review and acceptance of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the discharger from the responsibility to modify its facility, as necessary, to meet the requirements herein. Dischargers shall notify the City immediately upon the occurrence of a slug lead, or accidental discharge of substances prohibited by this chapter. The notification shall include location of discharge, date and time thereof, type of waste, concentration and volume and corrective actions. Any user who discharges a slug load of prohibited materials shall be liable for any expense, loss or damage to the POTW, in addition to any penalties set forth hereinafter.
Signs shall be permanently posted in conspicuous places on discharger's premises, advising employees whom to call in the event of a slug or accidental discharge. Employers shall instruct all employees who may cause or discover such a discharge with respect to an emergency notification procedure.
(w)   Any wastewater having a pH less than 5.5 or higher than 10.0 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment or personnel of the system.
(x)   Petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that will cause interference at the POTW.
   (Ord. 2011-103. Passed 7-12-11.)