For the purposes of this chapter, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the meaning set forth herein:
   (a)   "Chlorofluorocarbon," means the family of substances containing carbon, fluorine and chlorine, having no hydrogen atoms and no double bonds.
   (b)   "CFC processed food packaging" means any food packaging which uses CFC's as blowing agents in its manufacture.
   (c)   "Customer" means anyone purchasing food or beverages from a restaurant or retail food vendor.
   (d)   "Person," or "anyone" means any natural person, firm, organization, partnership or other organization or group however organized.
   (e)   "Suppliers" means anyone selling, or otherwise supplying food packaging to a restaurant or retail food vendor.
   (f)   "Food vendor" means any restaurant or retail food vendor.
   (g)   "Prepared food" means foods or beverages which are prepared on the vendor's premises by cooking, chopping, slicing, mixing, freezing or squeezing, and which requires no further preparation to be consumed. "Prepared food" does not include any raw, uncooked meat product or fruits or vegetables which are not chopped, squeezed or mixed.
   (h)   "Restaurant" means any establishment located within the City selling prepared food to be eaten on or about its premises by customers. "Restaurant" includes sidewalk food vendors.
   (i)   "Take-out food" means prepared foods or beverages requiring no further preparation to be consumed and which are generally purchased in order to be consumed off the retail food vendor's premises.
   (j)   "Retail food vendor" means any store, shop, sales outlet or other establishment, including a grocery store or delicatessen, other than a restaurant, located within the City which sells take-out food.
   (k)   "Food packaging" means all bags, sacks, wrapping, containers, bowls, plates, trays, cartons, cups, straws and lids which are not intended for reuse, on or in which any foods or beverages are placed or packaged on a restaurant's or retail food vendor's premises.
      (Ord. 1989-232. Passed 12-12-89.)