A solicitor's, peddler's or canvasser's license shall be issued by the Chief of Police upon the applicant's complying with the following provisions:
   (a)   Giving his name, present address and his permanent address.
   (b)   Giving a brief description of the nature of business and the kinds of goods or property to be peddled, solicited or canvassed.
   (c)   Paying the license fee required for the license.
   (d)   Giving the name and address of the licensed employer and exhibiting credentials showing he is an authorized employee or representative of such licensed employer, in the event the application is for an employee's license.
   (e)   Furnishing two photographs of himself of appropriate size, one of which shall be attached at all times to the license and the other delivered to the Police Chief for his files.
      (Ord. 1993-080. Passed 4-27-93.)