8.501 Permit required
8.502 Safeguards required
8.503 Restoration of premises
8.504 Penalty for violation
House movers, see Chapter 41, Article V
No building shall be demolished or removed from premises situated in the city without a permit first being obtained pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 80 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 8.501)
The person to whom a demolition or moving permit shall have been granted shall be responsible for effecting such safeguards as shall be reasonably necessary for the protection of persons and property from injury resulting from the said demolition or moving operations. Such safeguards shall include the proper barricading of any excavations and the maintenance of fences and/or barricades reasonably required to keep persons from entering into any areas made hazardous by said demolition or moving operations.
(Prior Code, § 8.502)
Immediately following the completion of such demolition or moving, the person to whom such permit shall have been issued shall restore the premises to a sightly condition and shall put and keep said premises in such condition as to comply with the following requirements:
(A) On a level lot the surface of said premises shall be made level; on other than level lots the surface shall be graded to conform with the normal contour of the lot;
(B) All debris of whatsoever nature shall be removed from said premises; and
(C) All uncovered soil shall be seeded, sodded or otherwise cared for so as to prevent blowing of dirt and dust and erosion of the soil.
(Prior Code, § 8.503)