(A)   PUD concept plan submittal.
      (1)   PUD concept site plan. The PUD concept site plan shall be drawn to an engineer’s scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet for property less than three acres, or one inch equals 100 feet for property three acres or more in size, that includes all of the following:
         (a)   Title block with sheet number/title; name, address and telephone number of the applicant and firm or individual who prepared the plans; and date(s) of submission and any revisions;
         (b)   Scale and north-point;
         (c)   Location map drawn to a separate scale;
         (d)   Legal description of property;
         (e)   Zoning classification of site and all abutting parcels;
         (f)   Net acreage (minus rights-of-way) and total acreage;
         (g)   Existing lot lines, building lines, structures, parking areas and other improvements on the site and within 100 feet of the site;
         (h)   Proposed lot lines, lot dimensions, property lines, setback dimensions and other improvements;
         (i)   Location and height of all proposed buildings or structures;
         (j)   Location of existing and proposed streets, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks and pathways on or within 250 feet of site;
         (k)   Proposed off-street parking lots and number of spaces;
         (l)   Conceptual landscape plan;
         (m)   The general location of existing plant material;
         (n)   Location of existing drainage courses, floodplains, rivers and MDEQ regulated wetlands;
         (o)   Location of existing and proposed sanitary sewers;
         (p)   Location of existing and proposed water mains;
         (q)   Storm water retention and detention pond locations and existing, or proposed storm sewers;
         (r)   Number, type and location of residential units;
         (s)   Density calculations by type of residential unit; and
         (t)   Location and size of recreation and open space areas.
      (2)   Concept plan narrative. The PUD concept plan shall be accompanied by a narrative that describes the proposed PUD, the proposed timeframe of development, the zoning district(s) upon which the proposed density and the area, height and placement requirements are based, and documentation indicating how the qualifying conditions in § 5.42 and the standards of § 5.49 are met.
      (3)   Table of modification.
         (a)   The application shall include a table detailing all modifications from the use, density, area, height and placement requirements of the zoning district identified in the concept plan narrative.
         (b)   The table shall also detail all modifications from off-street parking regulations, general provisions, or subdivision regulations that would otherwise be applicable to the uses and development proposed in the absence of the proposed PUD.
         (c)   This table shall clearly identify the allowed regulation in comparison to the requested modification.
      (4)   Phasing plan.
         (a)   For projects proposed to be developed in phases, the PUD concept for the entire site shall be submitted for PUD concept approval.
         (b)   A map showing boundaries of individual phases shall be submitted, along with a proposed timeline for development of each phase.
      (5)   Additional information. Any additional information requested by the Planning Commission to better assist in the determination of PUD qualification such as, but not limited to: market studies; fiscal impact analysis; traffic impact studies; and environmental impact assessments.
   (B)   PUD concept plan Planning Commission review.
      (1)   Review and public hearing.
         (a)   The Planning Commission shall review the draft PUD concept plan at a regular or special meeting.
         (b)   Upon determination by the Planning Commission that the application meets the requirements of this article, a public hearing shall be set for a date certain. Notice of the public hearing shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Act.
      (2)   Recommendation. The Planning Commission shall review the PUD concept plan in consideration of public hearing comments, technical reviews from city staff and consultants, correspondence from applicable review agencies and compliance with the standards of this article and other applicable standards and requirements of this chapter. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or denial of the PUD to the City Commission. The recommendation shall be based on the following:
         (a)   Whether all applicable provisions of this article and this chapter are met;
         (b)   Whether the proposed PUD meets the intent of this article, as outlined in § 5.41;
         (c)   Whether the qualifying conditions in § 5.42 are met; and
         (d)   Whether the standards of approval in § 5.49 are met.
   (C)   City Commission review of PUD zoning and PUD concept plan.
      (1)   City Commission action. Following receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Commission on the PUD rezoning and PUD concept plan, the City Commission shall, after a public hearing, review the rezoning and concept plan and either approve, deny, or approve with conditions.
      (2)   Rezoning. Upon approval by the City Commission, the property subject to the PUD shall be rezoned to PUD, which shall become effective after notification and publication according to the state’s Zoning Enabling Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.3101 et seq. (Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended).
   (D)   Conditions. In accordance with the state’s Zoning Enabling Act, reasonable conditions may be attached to the approval of a PUD for the purpose of ensuring that public services and facilities affected by a proposed land use or activity will be capable of accommodating increased service and facility loads caused by the land use or activity; protecting the natural environment and conserving natural resources; ensuring compatibility with adjacent uses of land; promoting the use of land in a socially and economically desirable manner; and furthering implementation of the city’s master plan. Conditions attached to the approval shall be incorporated into the PUD agreement required to be submitted with the final PUD site plan.
   (E)   Time limits for concept plan approval.
      (1)   Approval of the PUD concept plan by the City Commission shall confer upon the owner the right to proceed through the subsequent final planning phase for a period not to exceed two years from date of approval. If application for final site plan approval for the PUD or a phase of the PUD is not requested within this time period, the PUD concept plan approval shall automatically become null and void and all rights thereunder shall terminate.
      (2)   The City Commission may for good cause approve one extension of up to one year, if requested in writing by the applicant prior to the expiration date of the original concept plan approval or subsequent one year extension.
      (3)   Upon expiration of a PUD concept plan, the City Commission may direct the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to revoke the PUD zoning and rezone the property to its original designation or other district as appropriate.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)