§ 5.41 INTENT.
   (A)   The intent of this article is to offer an alternative to conventional development by permitting flexibility in the regulations for development. The standards in this article are intended to promote and encourage development on parcels of land that are suitable in size, location and character for the uses proposed while ensuring compatibility with adjacent land uses.
   (B)   The PUD rezoning process is provided as a design option to allow for one or more of the following:
      (1)   Encourage innovation in land development in terms of variety, design, layout and type of structures constructed;
      (2)   Promote the efficient use of land to facilitate a more economic arrangement of buildings, circulation systems, land use and utilities;
      (3)   Encourage the adaptive re-use of significant or historic buildings;
      (4)   Provide the opportunity to mix compatible uses or residential types;
      (5)   Preserve and protect significant natural features, open space and cultural/historic resources;
      (6)   Ensure that new development is consistent with the character of the community;
      (7)   Promote efficient provision of public services and utilities;
      (8)   Minimize adverse traffic impacts and accommodate safe and efficient pedestrian access and circulation;
      (9)   Encourage development of convenient recreational facilities;
      (10)   Encourage the use and improvement of land where site conditions make development under conventional zoning difficult or less desirable; or
      (11)   Allow a density for any residential portion of a planned unit development that is greater than would otherwise be allowed by the zoning ordinance, yet is still appropriate and compatible with other uses both within the planned unit development and adjacent to it and with the density of adjacent properties.
   (C)   The PUD process and standards provide for flexibility in design and permit variation of the specific bulk, area, and in some situations, the density requirements of this chapter on the basis of the total PUD plan, subject to the approval of the PUD by the Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. A PUD shall not be sought primarily to avoid the standards and requirements of other zoning districts.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)