The following criteria shall apply to all planned unit developments (PUDs).
   (A)   Unified control. The planned unit development shall be under the control of one owner or group of owners and shall be capable of being planned and developed as one integral unit.
   (B)   Recognizable benefit. The applicant shall demonstrate that the PUD provides at least four of the following site design elements, which could not be attained through a project designed under conventional zoning:
      (1)   Mixed-use development with residential and nonresidential uses or a variety of housing types;
      (2)   Pedestrian/transit-oriented design with buildings oriented to the sidewalk and parking to the side or rear of the site;
      (3)   High quality architectural design beyond the site plan requirements of this chapter;
      (4)   Extensive landscaping beyond the site plan requirements of this chapter;
      (5)   Preservation, enhancement or restoration of natural resources (trees, slopes, wetland areas, views to Reeds Lake, and the like);
      (6)   Preservation or restoration of significant or historic resources;
      (7)   Provision of open space or public plazas or features;
      (8)   Efficient consolidation of poorly dimensioned parcels or property with difficult site conditions (e.g. topography, shape and the like);
      (9)   Effective transition between higher and lower density uses, and/or between nonresidential and residential uses; or allowing incompatible adjacent land uses to be developed in a manner that is not possible using a conventional approach;
      (10)   Shared vehicular and pedestrian access between properties or uses;
      (11)   Mitigation to offset impacts on public facilities (such as street improvements); or
      (12)   Significant use of sustainable building and site design features such as: water use reduction, water efficient landscaping, innovative wastewater technologies, low impact storm water management, optimize energy performance, on-site renewable energy, passive solar heating, reuse/recycled/ renewable materials, indoor air quality or other elements identified as sustainable by established groups such as the U.S. Green Building Council (LEED) or ANSI National Green Building Standards.
   (C)   Compatibility with adjacent uses. The proposed location of uses or structures that are of a significantly different scale or character than the abutting residential districts, such as access drives, parking areas, waste receptacles, swimming pools, tennis courts and facilities of a similar nature, shall not be located near the perimeter of the PUD or so as to negatively impact the residential use of adjacent lands.
   (D)   Public utilities. All uses within the PUD shall be served by public water and sewer systems.
   (E)   Master plan. The proposed PUD shall be consistent with the city’s master plan.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)