If a sidewalk is not constructed, rebuilt or repaired within the time fixed by a notice issued pursuant to § 4.47, the Director shall make a written report to the Commission of the neglect or the refusal of the owner to comply with said notice. The Commission may then establish a special assessment district for the purpose of constructing, rebuilding or repairing such sidewalks upon receiving a recommendation of the Director that a reasonable grouping of a number of individual sidewalk projects may be established to permit the taking of bids for construction under a single contract. In the event that any of such sidewalks are not suitable for grouping with other sidewalks in a special assessment district as herein provided, the Commission may then order the Director to cause such sidewalks to be constructed, rebuilt or repaired, and make report to the Commission of such activity. At the same time, the Director shall prepare an account for the expense of labor, material and services incurred thereby, and report the same, together with a correct description of the premises adjacent to where such work shall have been done and the name of the owner thereof, to the Director of Finance/Treasurer as required by the provisions of § 1.306 of this code.
(Ord. effective 11-16-2018)