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East Cleveland Overview
East Cleveland, OH Code of Ordinances
1143.01 Off-street parking requirements
1143.02 Off-street loading requirements
1143.03 Off-street parking and loading within setback
1143.04 Use not specifically mentioned
1143.05 Mixed uses; uses considered separately
1143.06 Joint use of parking and loading space
1143.07 Obligation of owner
1143.08 Overnight parking
1143.09 Maintenance of facilities; reduction of number of spaces
1143.10 Plans for construction or repairs
   Class U6 requirements, see § 1123.01(f)(1)C. and D.
   Definitions, see §§ 1101.23 and 1101.24
   Off-street parking facilities, see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
   (a)   Except as hereinafter provided, no residential, commercial, industrial or other building or structure shall be erected and no major repairs, substantial alterations or extensions shall be made to an existing residential, commercial, industrial or other building or structure unless off-street parking space is provided in accordance with the provisions of this zoning ordinance in the minimum amounts specified in division (c) below. Where it is proposed to improve an existing building or structure by major repairs, substantial alterations or extensions, or the use of an existing building or structure is changed and the building or structure, together with the adjacent lot area, does not fulfill the parking requirements of division (c) below, the Board of Zoning Appeals may recommend to Council a modification of these requirements, provided the Board determines that the recommended modified requirements will not have a more adverse effect upon the neighborhood than the existing nonconformities and are in harmony with the general intent of this zoning ordinance and will secure the general welfare and substantial justice in the promotion of public health, comfort, convenience, morals, safety and general welfare of the city.
   (b)   All off-street parking areas shall conform to the following requirements.
      (1)   With the exception of parking stalls in which vehicles are parked parallel to the parking aisle, the depth of any parking stall measured perpendicularly to the parking aisle shall be not less than 20 feet. Parking stalls in which vehicles are parked parallel to the parking aisle shall be not less than nine feet in depth measured perpendicularly to the parking aisle.
      (2)   With the exception of parking stalls in which vehicles are parked parallel to the parking aisle, the width of any parking stall, measured perpendicularly to the sides, shall be not less than nine feet. Parking stalls in which vehicles are parked parallel to the parking aisle shall be not less than 20 feet in width measured parallel to the parking aisle.
      (3)   The width of any parking aisle shall be not less than 25 feet.
      (4)   All parking areas shall be designed so that during a backing maneuver no part of a vehicle shall encroach beyond the limits of the parking area or into a dedicated street or setback.
      (5)   The Board of Zoning Appeals may require parking stalls in addition to the minimum specified by this zoning ordinance where the parking aisles or other portions of the parking area are to be used for any purpose other than for aisles or parking or when, because of the shape or location of the parking area in relation to any abutting streets or private property, such additional parking stalls are deemed necessary.
      (6)   In the interests of safety to persons and protection of property, the Board of Zoning Appeals may require that a protecting curb or barrier at least five inches high be placed to prevent any part of a vehicle from extending beyond the limits of the parking stall.
      (7)   Existing parking areas which are used for existing businesses may not be reduced below the minimum requirements of this zoning ordinance for new businesses unless the character of the existing business is changed to require a lesser parking area. For the purpose of interpreting the parking requirements of this zoning ordinance as relating to new businesses, such existing parking areas for existing businesses may not be used in calculating the available parking spaces required for new businesses.
   (c)   Required number of spaces.
      (1)   Dwellings shall have one off-street parking space for each dwelling unit.
      (2)   Apartment houses shall have one and one-fourth off-street parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
      (3)   Hotels, motels, clubs, rooming houses, tourist homes, dormitories, fraternities and similar places offering overnight accommodations shall have a minimum of five off-street parking spaces plus one space for each guest room. If, in addition to those spaces provided for guests, patrons or residents of the above named places, assembly halls, bars, restaurants, night clubs, retail shops or room for other shops, service establishments or businesses are provided, additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided in the amount specified in this zoning ordinance for such uses.
      (4)   Hospitals, sanatoriums, nursing homes, convalescent homes, homes for the aged and infirm and similar institutions shall have one off-street parking space for each two patient beds and one additional off-street parking space for each dormitory room and dwelling unit provided for resident personnel.
      (5)   Motion picture and other theaters shall have one off-street parking space for each six seats provided for patron use.
      (6)   Nightclubs, bars, restaurants, assembly halls, auditoriums, skating rinks, dance halls, bowling alleys, stadiums, gymnasiums, amusement parks, circus grounds, churches, funeral homes, community centers, libraries, museums and similar places of public assembly including clubs, lodges and fraternal buildings not providing overnight accommodations shall have one off-street parking space for each six seats provided for patron use or one off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public as customers, patrons and clients, whichever requires the greater number of parking spaces.
      (7)   Buildings containing retail establishments, including personal service shops, equipment or repair shops, gasoline filling stations, motor vehicle sales or repair establishments, retail stores and banks or other financial institutions shall have one off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public as customers, patrons and clients.
      (8)   Office buildings, including commercial, governmental and professional buildings, and medical and dental clinics, shall have one off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public as customers, patrons and clients.
      (9)   Wholesale, manufacturing and industrial plants, including warehouses, storage buildings and yards, public utility buildings, contractor equipment and lumber yards, research laboratories, business service establishments such as blueprinting, printing and engraving and bottling works shall have one off-street parking space for each two and one-half employees.
      (10)   Schools, including academies, colleges, universities, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and prep schools shall have one off-street parking space for each two employees, including administrators, teachers and building maintenance personnel.
   (d)   The off-street parking facilities required by this zoning ordinance shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the building or structure they are intended to serve. When practical difficulties, in the opinion of the Board of Zoning Appeals, prevent establishment of off-street parking facilities required by this zoning ordinance on such same lot or parcel of land, the Board of Zoning Appeals may, subject to use limitations, approve another location for such facilities if such location is reasonable and consistent with the intent of this zoning ordinance.
   (e)   No part of an off-street parking area required by this zoning ordinance for any one building or use shall be included as a part of an off-street parking area similarly required for another building or use.
   (f)   Except where otherwise permitted as a conditional use pursuant to § 1123.03(a)(16) of this zoning ordinance, off-street parking facilities as an accessory use must be located in the same or a less restricted use district as that required for the principal use of the premises.
(Ord. 4761, passed 11-17-1953; Ord. 4900, passed 12-13-1955; Ord. 4970, passed 9-18-1956; Ord. 5104, passed 4-8-1958; Ord. 5185, passed 6-30-1959;
Ord. 5286, passed 11-1-1960; Ord. 5531, passed 2-11-1964; Ord. 6353, passed 5-16-1972)
   (a)   Compliance and required area. No residential, commercial, industrial or any other building or structure shall be erected and no major repairs shall be made to existing residential, commercial, industrial or any other building or structure unless off-street truck loading space is provided in accordance with the provisions of this zoning ordinance in the minimum amounts specified in this section.
      (1)   Every department store, hospital or sanatorium, industrial plant, manufacturing establishment, retail establishment, storage warehouse and wholesale establishment which has an aggregate gross floor area of 20,000 square feet or more arranged, intended or designed for such use, shall provide off-street truck loading or unloading spaces in accordance with the following table.
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Required No. of Spaces
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Required No. of Spaces
20,000 to 40,000
40,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 160,000
160,001 to 240,000
240,001 to 320,000
320,001 to 400,000
400,001 to 490,000
For each additional 90,000 over 490,000
      (2)   Every auditorium, sports arena, funeral home, hotel, apartment house, office building, restaurant and welfare institution which has an aggregate gross floor area of 100,000 square feet or more, arranged, intended or designed for such use, shall provide off-street truck loading or unloading spaces in accordance with the following table.
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Required No. of Spaces
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Required No. of Spaces
100,000 to 150,000
150,001 to 400,000
400,001 to 660,000
660,001 to 970,000
970,001 to 1,300,000
1,300,001 to 1,630,000
1,630,001 to 1,960,000
1,960,001 to 2,300,000
For each additional 350,000 over 2,300,000
   (b)   On-site location: use of parking space prohibited. The off-street loading facilities required by this zoning ordinance shall in all cases be upon the same lot or parcel of land as the building or structure they are intended to serve. In no case shall the required off-street loading space be part of the area used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements of this zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 4761, passed 11-17-1953)  Penalty, see § 101.99
   Except for access drives, no part of the off-street loading or parking area required by this zoning ordinance shall be within the setback distance on any street.
(Ord. 4761, passed 11-17-1953)  Penalty, see § 101.99