For the purposes of this zoning ordinance, the various uses of buildings, structures and premises referred to in Chapter 1121 are divided into groups, classes and subdivisions as set forth in this chapter.
   (a)   Class U1 Residence uses. Single-family dwelling; double house; two-family dwelling; shared housing facilities limited to adult family home and residential facility family home.
   (b)   Class U2 Residence uses. Apartment house; shared housing facility limited to adult family home and residential facility family home.
   (c)   Class U3 Local Retail Store uses.
      (1)   Bank; office; studio; telephone exchange; wholesale sales office or sample room; ice delivery station; dry cleaning using approved nonflammable solvent machine; farming, greenhouse, nursery, truck gardening;
      (2)   Retail trade or shop for custom work or the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises; restaurant, bar, night club; theater; moving picture show; bowling alley; miniature golf or similar minor amusement enterprise;
      (3)   Rooming house; and
      (4)   Any retail sales use not included in any other class.
   (d)   Class U4 Commercial uses.
      (1)   Skating rink or dance hall, if operated as a business for purposes of private profit;
      (2)   Storage within a building in bulk or warehouse for such material as clothing, cotton, drugs, dry goods, food, furniture, hardware, ice, machinery, paint and paint materials, pipe, rubber, shop supplies, tobacco or wool, wholesale produce market within a building; wholesale produce salesroom;
      (3)   Bottling works or central distributing station, provided the entire operation including all loading, unloading and storage is confined within an enclosed structure;
      (4)   Political signs or posters for a period of 60 days prior to and ten days subsequent to any primary or regular election; and
      (5)   Any use similar to those listed herein as Class U4, but only when so classified and approved by action of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (e)   Class U5 Industrial uses.
      (1)   Storage either outdoors in bulk or warehouse for such material as contractor’s equipment, building material other than lumber, cord wood or kindling, feed, fertilizer, or any similar use; wholesale produce market not within a building; shoddy manufacture; textile fabric manufacture;
      (2)   Carpet cleaning, dyeing; steam laundry;
      (3)   Cold storage plant; ice manufacture;
      (4)   Canning or preserving factory; starch, glucose or dextrine manufacture; sugar refining; tobacco manufacture; yeast manufacturing; sausage manufacture;
      (5)   Blacksmith, horseshoing or wagon shop; carriage or wagon parts manufacture; stable or wagon shed;
      (6)   Cotton machinery manufacture; cutlery or tools manufacture; electrical machinery manufacture; nonferrous metal foundry; manufacture of adding machines, cash registers, typewriters, bicycles, motor vehicles or airplanes; rasp or file factory; wire products manufacture;
      (7)   Basket material factory; furniture factory;
      (8)   Cement products manufacture; stone cutting;
      (9)   Political signs or posters for a period of 60 days prior to and ten days subsequent to any primary or regular election; and
      (10)   Any use similar to those listed herein as Class U5, but only when so classified and approved by action of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (f)   Class U6 Limited Residence-Business uses.
      (1)   Within any Limited Residence-business District, no building or premises shall be erected, altered, used, arranged or designated to be used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the uses hereinafter specified under this district, provided that:
         A.   All materials are stored inside buildings;
         B.   Setback building lines shall be as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals, but in a B2 Building Line District shall not be less than those prescribed on the Building Line Districting Map; suitable planting is maintained in the setback area; side yards and rear yards of not less than 25 feet are provided at lot lines which are also boundary lines of residence districts; a fence or wall not less than six feet high is constructed on lot lines which are also boundary lines of residence districts or of lots used for residences;
         C.   There are adequate off-street loading and unloading facilities so designed that any standing vehicle using them is within the property lines and is either not visible from streets or not nearer than 50 feet to streets;
         D.   There is adequate off-street parking for the employees, owners and others coming to the premises on matters incidental to the uses thereof, and adequate off-street parking of trucks in space so located as not to be visible from the streets or not nearer than 50 feet to streets;
         E.   Vehicular entrance and exit to any building or premises are from a street designated as a through street or a truck route in the Traffic Code of the city, or, if the premises in question does not abut such street, then from any street approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals if it finds the probable volume and type of traffic to such premises will not materially change the existing character of such streets, nor be detrimental to the adjoining or adjacent residential area;
         F.   Trucking operations are not conducted evenings, nights, Sundays nor on holidays generally observed by business and single-shift industry;
         G.   The entire operation, including all loading, unloading and storage, is confined within an enclosed structure; and
         H.   Any resulting dust, fumes, gases, glare, heat, noises, odors, refuse matter, smoke, vapors, vibrations or other objectionable influences are effectively confined to the premises.
      (2)   An apartment building or group of apartment buildings, provided that the development has an area of not less than one acre and a street frontage of not less than 100 feet;
      (3)   Office building; bank; telephone exchange; transformer station; studio; wholesales office and sample room; research laboratory;
      (4)   Commercial sign, display or decorating shop; printing shop;
      (5)   Bottling works; ice cream plant; bakery;
      (6)   Wholesale, jobbing, distributing or warehouse storage establishment for such materials as drugs, food, rubber, plastics, tobacco products, cotton, wool, clothing, fabrics, furniture, hardware, ice, leather, metals other than scrap or junk metals, shop and store supplies, including the making, assembling, remodeling, repairing, altering, finishing or refinishing of these products or merchandise, provided the processes used comply with the limitations specified in division (f)(1) above;
      (7)   Any other building or use similar in character and operation to those listed herein, but only when so classified and approved by action of the Board of Zoning Appeals; and
      (8)   An accessory use customarily incident to a Class U6 use shall be permitted in a Class U6 District provided such accessory use is located on the same premises with the building or use to which it is accessory. A local retail use will be permitted as an accessory use provided that it is not a principal use, it fronts on a street designated as a through street or a truck route in the Traffic Code of the city and it is owned and operated by the owner or operator of the principal Class U6 use.
(Ord. 4761, passed 11-17-1953; Ord. 5531, passed 2-11-1964; Ord. 5547, passed 4-21-1964; Ord. 5887, passed 3-26-1968; Ord. 31-07, passed 9-4-2007; Ord. 32-07, passed 9-4-2007; Ord. 95-08, passed 12-2-2008)