   All persons are capable of committing an offense as herein provided, except those belonging to the classes following:
   (A)   Children under the age of seven years;
   (B)   Children over the age of seven years, but under the age of 14 years, in the absence of proof that at the time of committing the act or neglect charged against them they knew its wrongfulness;
   (C)   Lunatics, insane persons, and all persons of unsound mind, including persons temporarily or partially deprived of reason, upon proof that at the time of committing the act charged against them they were involuntarily incapable of knowing its wrongfulness;
   (D)   Persons who committed the act, or made the omission charged, under an ignorance or mistake of fact which disproves any criminal intent. But ignorance of the law does not excuse from punishment for its violation;
   (E)   Persons who committed the act charged without being conscious thereof, involuntarily; and
   (F)   Persons who committed the act, or made the omission charged, while under involuntary subjection to the power of superiors.
(Prior Code, § 130.06)
   No act committed by any person while in a state of intoxication, whether from liquor or drugs, shall be deemed less an offense by reason of his or her being in such condition.
(Prior Code, § 130.07)
   No person otherwise competent as a witness shall be incapacitated, excused, or disqualified from testifying concerning the offense mentioned in any section, chapter, or title of this code or any ordinances hereafter enacted on the ground that his or her testimony might incriminate him or her, but the testimony which may be given by such witness shall in no case be used against him or her.
(Prior Code, § 130.08)
§ 130.09 NUISANCES.
   It is unlawful and an offense for any person to permit, maintain, aid, abet, or sanction a nuisance on or about any premise or premises owned by him or her or under his or her control at any place within the corporate limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 130.09) Penalty, see § 130.99
§ 130.10 CONSPIRACY.
   Any two or more persons assembled or who shall assemble with the intent to mutually agree to do any unlawful act with force or violence and shall make any movement therefor against the property of the city or the person or property of another person shall be guilty of an offense.
(Prior Code, § 130.10) Penalty, see § 130.99