The Civil Service Commission shall have power and shall be required to:
   (a)   Advise the Mayor, Council and Personnel Director on matters concerning personnel administration, including training programs and the fostering of interest by educational institutions and civic, professional and employee organizations in the improvement of the City service.
   (b)   Review the personnel rules and regulations and amendments thereto developed and recommended by the Personnel Director; conduct hearings thereon; approve or reject such rules in whole or in part and with or without modifications; and transmit such rules with recommendations to Council for its consideration and legislative action where appropriate.
   (c)   Hear appeals by any employee in the classified service from a decision by the appointing authority with respect to a discharge, suspension or a reduction in classification or pay; and report in writing to the appealing employee and the appointing authority its findings and decisions, which decisions shall be binding upon the appointing authority.
   (d)   Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning personnel administration in the City service and report to the Mayor and Council its findings, conclusions and recommendations.
   (e)   Perform such other related duties as may be necessary to fulfill its responsibilities or as may be assigned by the Mayor or Council.
   (f)   For purposes of conducting any hearing or investigation authorized by this article, administer oaths, subpoena witnesses and compel the production of pertinent records and books.
      (1978 Code Sec. 19-6.)