(a) Every Contractor that is to perform work in the form of constructing, renovating, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any part of a structure in the City shall register with and obtain a license from the City Clerk prior to performing any work. Once a Contractor has registered and obtained a license from the City, the Control shall, in order to continue to perform work within the City, renew his license on an annual basis prior to its expiration. Prior to issuing any license under this Article to a Contractor, and as a condition of issuance thereof, the City Clerk, City Building Inspector, or other authorized agent or officer of the City, shall ensure that each applicant Contractor meets the following criteria:
(1) Possess a current and valid Contractor’s license issued by the State of West Virginia;
(2) Possess a general liability insurance coverage;
(3) Be registered with the City for purposes of paying business and occupation tax;
(4) Be current in the payment of all Business and Occupation tax owed and due to the City.
(b) There is hereby assessed, and shall be collected, an initial Contractor licensing fee of $90.00 to be paid on or before the expiration date of the license.
(c) There is hereby assessed, and shall be collected, an annual Contractor licensing renewal fee of $90.00 to be paid on or before the expiration date of the license.
(d) All contractor licenses issued under this Section 1727.03
shall be valid from the date of issue until the following June 30th.
(e) Failure of any Contractor to renew his license and pay the annual renewal fee before the expiration date of the license shall result in the license lapsing. Upon the lapsing of a Contractor license, the Contractor shall re-register and obtain a new Contractor license under the terms and conditions of this Article.
(f) Any Contractor to whom the City issues a license under this Section 1727.03
shall keep the license, or a copy thereof, posted in an open and obvious location at each work site in which work is being performed by the Contractor.
(g) The issuance of a license under this Article shall not serve as an endorsement by the City of the Contractor to which a license was issued, nor shall be the issuance of a license be any evidence or endorsement of, or guaranty for, any work that is planned or disclosed to the City in connection with the issuance of the license. No Contractor shall indicate to any person that their license issued under this Article is an endorsement by the City, consistent with this Section 1727.03
(Ord. 737. Passed 5-2-16.)