(A) The County Sheriff’s Department is hereby authorized to charge the sum of $50 per year for the registration of sex or violent offenders, and $5 for each time a sex or violent offender registers an address change with the County Sheriff’s Department.
(B) The county now establishes a county Sex and Violent Offender Administration Fund, and the County Sheriff’s Department shall deposit all funds collected for sex or violent offender registration fees, and address change fees for sex or violent offenders, into this account.
(C) The County Auditor shall, monthly, transfer 10% of any fees collected to the treasurer of the state for deposit in the state’s Sex and Violent Offender Administration Fund under I.C. 11-8-8-21.
(D) The County Council may appropriate money from the county’s Sex and Violent Offender Administration Fund to defray the expense of administering or ensuring compliance with the laws concerning the state’s Sex and Violent Offender Registry.
(Council Ord. 2007-12, passed 9-17-2007)
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM. A telephone system that utilizes the three-digit number 911 to send automatic number identification and automatic location identification for reporting police, fire, medical, or other emergency situations.
EXCHANGE ACCESS FACILITY. The access from a particular service user’s premises to a telephone system.
(a) The term includes:
1. An access line;
2. A private branch exchange (PBX) trunk; and
3. A centrex line trunk equivalent that is provided by the service supplier.
(b) The term also includes a mobile telephone system access trunk, whether the trunk is provided by a telephone company or a radio common carrier.
(c) The term does not include:
1. A service supplier owned and operated telephone pay station line;
2. A wide area telecommunications service (WATS) lines;
3. A foreign exchange (FX) line; or
4. An incoming-only line.
SERVICE SUPPLIER. A person who provides exchange telephone service to a service user.
SERVICE USER. A person to whom exchange telephone service is provided.
(B) Monthly fee.
(1) Beginning October 1, 2003, and each month thereafter, each service supplier shall commence to collect a monthly enhanced emergency telephone system fee of $2.10 per telephone access line, or other exchange access facility.
(2) Prior to such date, each service supplier shall continue to collect the monthly fee of $1.89.
(C) Administrative fee. The service supplier(s) shall be entitled to retain an administrative fee of 3% of the monthly fees collected as compensation for collecting the fees.
(D) Remit to Auditor. All monthly fees collected, except for the 3% administrative fee, shall be remitted to the County Auditor within ten days after the last day of the calendar year quarter. With the fee remittal, the service supplier shall provide a fee collection report on a form provided by the County Auditor.
(E) County Emergency Telephone System Fund. The County Auditor shall deposit the remitted fees in a separate fund named the County Emergency Telephone System Fund. The County Auditor may invest monies in the fund in the same manner that other monies of the county are invested with the interest earned from such investment to be deposited in that fund.
(F) Delinquent fee report.
(1) During January of each year, each service supplier that collects the enhanced emergency telephone system fee for the county shall provide a delinquent fee report to the County Auditor.
(2) The report shall list the name, address, and amount due for each service user who is two or more months delinquent in paying the fee.
(Council Ord. 1989-8, passed 7-10-1989; Council Ord. 2003-03, passed 8-11-2003)
The County Council hereby establishes a Rainy Day Fund, pursuant to I.C. 36-1-8-5.1, and that such fund shall be entitled to hereafter receive a transfer of such funds and from such sources as may be, from time to time, determined by resolution of this Council, but any annual transfer to be in an amount not to exceed 10% of the county’s annual budget for that fiscal year, and that any expenditure from said fund, after the required appropriation, has been for such purpose and in such amounts as the Council, by resolution may, from time to time, determine.
(Council Ord. 2004-01, passed 1-26-2004)
(A) General. The Solid Waste Management District Board of the county recognizes that losses, shortages, and theft of District funds, and other assets, may occur from time to time. State law requires the District to report to the State Board of Accounts all erroneous or irregular material losses, shortages, or theft of District funds or property. The State Board of Accounts mandates government entities to determine their own material threshold for the purposes of reporting the loss, shortage, or theft to the State Board of Accounts as required by state law.
(B) Threshold of loss. The threshold for material losses, shortages, or theft for the Solid Waste Management District, which must be reported to the State Board of Accounts by the Controller of the District, is as follows:
(1) Cash losses, shortage, or theft. A loss, shortage, or theft of cash from any District fund is an amount over $500; and
(2) Other assets loss, shortage, or theft. A loss, shortage, or theft of a District asset other than cash exceeding a value of $500.
(C) Investigation. Whenever a loss, shortage, or theft of District funds or property occurs, no matter the amount or value, or the requirement to report such to the State Board of Accounts, the District Board, or their designee, should investigate any and all losses, shortages, or thefts of District funds or assets. The investigation and the resolution of the investigation must be documented by the District Board, or its designee who conducts the investigation. Such documentation should be maintained in the office of the District. State law requires public employees who have actual knowledge of, or reasonable cause to believe, a misappropriation of funds, or other assets, has occurred to report such misappropriation to the State Board of Accounts and the County Prosecuting Attorney.
(Res. 2017-01, passed 3-20-2017)
(A) The Board of Commissioners have previously indicated that funds received by the County Sheriff’s Department for out-of-state and in-state civil process fees may be deposited monthly into the County Police Pension Fund.
(B) The Board of Commissioners have also previously indicated that funds received by the County Sheriff’s Department for civil process and Sheriff’s fees related to the Sheriff’s sales of foreclosed property may be deposited monthly into the County Police Pension Fund.
(C) Civil Process fees and fees related to the Sheriff’s sale of foreclosed property, all as collected by the County Sheriff’s Department, shall hereafter continue to be paid and distributed to the County Police Pension Fund.
(Ord. 2019-10, passed 11-18-2019)
The County Auditor is authorized, and directed, to pay the various fees related to court jurors from the county’s Jury Pay Fund; and that for purpose of such payments, the work fees shall be interpreted, for supplemental purposes, to include reasonable meals and parking charges incurred by jurors.
(Council Ord. 2004-02, passed 5-17-2004)