(A)   Forms. The Director of Human Resources shall prescribe the necessary forms for reports of all personnel changes or actions in the city service which shall be used by all supervisors and designated others.
   (B)   Layoff. Whenever there is lack of work or lack of funds requiring a reduction in the number of employees of the city, the City Manager shall determine the classes of employment in which such reduction shall be made and the number to be laid off. Employees shall be laid off at the time and in the number specified by the City Manager in the inverse order of their relative length and quality of service, the latter as established by service evaluations. Within the affected class or classes, all temporary employees shall be laid off before provisional, and all probationary employees before regular permanent.
   (C)   Call back. When the work or financial situation improves or permits, those who have been laid off shall be called back to work and reinstated in the positions they held before layoff with the same status and seniority as they had at the time of their layoff, in the inverse order of their layoff, if they are still available. If not immediately available, their names shall be placed on reemployment eligible lists.
   (D)   Rehire. Any employee who separates service in good standing may be rehired, under unusual circumstances and without the normal competitive selection process, to any position in the same job classification, if vacant, when the City Manager has determined that there is a compelling need for the former employee’s services within two years after the date of separation. All such rehires shall be subject to approval by the City Manager. In the event such an employee is re-hired, the employee shall serve in the "unclassified service" pursuant to § 33.04(B).
   (E)   Retirement. Retirement is subject to the provisions of the applicable retirement system and applicable state and/or federal law.
('80 Code, § 163.19) (Ord. 3-80, passed 1-7-80; Amendment effective 11-17-05; 10-15-09)