(A)   Creation. There is hereby established and created an auxiliary police unit within the Police Department. Such unit shall be known as the Dublin Reserve Police Force.
(Ord. 22-70, passed 7-20-70)
      (1)   The Manager is hereby authorized to employ reserve police officers as substitute or supplementary police officers of the municipality, provided, however, that expenditures therefor shall not exceed $2,400 per year, and that the expenditures therefor shall not exceed $250 in any one month.
(Ord. 10-71, passed 5-3-71)
      (2)   The Manager is hereby authorized to employ a suitable person to serve as secretary to the Reserve Police Force. Such secretary shall keep records of the activities and training of the Reserve Police Force. Such secretary shall be paid for his or her services at the rate of $2 per hour, provided however that the expenditures therefor shall not exceed $10 per month.
(Ord. 31-70, passed 7-20-70)
   (B)   Appointment and term. Members of the Dublin Reserve Police Force shall be appointed by the Manager upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and shall serve at the pleasure of the Manager or until a submitted resignation is accepted by the Manager.
   (C)   Qualifications. Members of the Reserve Police Force shall be at least 21 years of age at the time of their appointments.
   (D)   Trainees. Persons appointed and confirmed as members of the Reserve Police Force as provided above shall have the status of Reserve Trainees until such time as such person is awarded a certificate by the executive director of the Ohio Peace Officers Training Council attesting his or her satisfactory completion of an approved municipal police basic training program.
   (E)   Duties. Members of the Reserve Police Force shall have all police powers, but shall perform only such duties as are assigned them by the Chief of Police and shall act only when in uniform as prescribed by the Manager. Reserve trainees shall not carry a firearm while performing police duties except with the approval of the Chief of Police and the Manager and shall perform police duties only under the direct supervision of a regular police officer of the municipality or a certified reserve police officer.
   (F)   Compensation. All services performed by reserve policemen shall be on a voluntary basis. Each member of the Reserve Police Force shall be paid compensation of $1 per year. Reserve policemen shall serve without additional pay except when employed as a substitute or supplementary police officer by the Manager as authorized by Council. When serving as a substitute or supplemental police officer, a reserve policeman may be paid for his services at the rate of $3 per hour, if appropriations are adequate. The Manager shall not employ reserve policemen as substitute or supplementary police officers without the prior authorization of Council by ordinance.
   (G)   Worker's compensation. Reserve policemen shall be deemed to be employees of the municipality when performing police duties under the direction of the Chief of Police. Such reserve policeman shall be covered by Worker's Compensation in accordance with Industrial Commission of Ohio, rules and regulations pertaining to the volunteer policemen and firemen of public employers.
   (H)   Bond and uniform. Each member of the Reserve Police Force, as a condition precedent to serving thereon, shall furnish at municipal expense a bond in the amount and upon the same terms and conditions as is required of a regular appointed policeman. Each member of the Reserve Police Force shall provide himself with the prescribed uniform at his own expense.
   (I)   Nonliability. This section is declared to be an exercise by the municipality of its police powers for the protection of the public peace, health, property, safety and general welfare and neither the municipality nor the agent or representative of the municipality or any person who in good faith executes any order, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this chapter shall be liable for injury or damage sustained to person or property as a direct or proximate result of such action.
   (J)   Regulations. The Manager shall be the executive head of the Reserve Police Force subject to the regulations prescribed by this section and any general regulations prescribed by Council by subsequent ordinance. The Manager shall prescribe rules and regulations for the organization, training, administration, control and conduct of the Reserve Police Force.
   (K)   Stationing and transferring. The Chief of Police shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transferring of all reserve police officers under such general rules and regulations as the Manager prescribes.
('80 Code, § 137.02)