A.   Creation. There is hereby created a Draper City Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee to recommend and monitor the establishment of facilities, programs and policies to meet the recreational and aesthetic needs of the citizens of Draper City.
B.   Duties. It shall be the duty of the committee to act in an advisory and voluntary capacity in the development of parks, trails and recreation opportunities for Draper City residents, including but not limited to the following:
1.   Recommend to the city council a Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan;
2.   Review and recommend to the city council and planning commission appropriate changes and updates to the Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan;
3.   Recommend projects, legislation, policies, funding allocations, and other measures, programs, or activities for the development of parks, trails and recreation opportunities within the city;
4.   Carry out projects, programs, or activities as directed by the city council; and
5.   Initiate, sponsor, and promote involvement, activities and contributions by the private sector for the development of parks, trails and recreation in the city. (Ord. 1493, 6-15-2021)