A. Application: Ethics is more than the avoidance of criminal behavior. It is a commitment for public servants to take individual responsibility in creating a government that has the trust and respect of its citizens. There needs to be a proactive approach in strengthening the emphasis on ethics and in guiding city elected officials and employees in upholding them. To preserve and maintain the integrity of responsible government and its decision making process, Draper City believes it is necessary that the identity, activities and expenditures of certain persons who engage in efforts to influence elected officials and employees of the city on matters within their official cognizance, either by direct communication or by solicitation of others to engage in such efforts, be publicly and regularly disclosed. The provisions and requirements of this ethics code shall apply to every person who attempts to influence governmental action, unless such person is clearly exempt by an express provision hereof.
B. Goals Specified: With subsection A of this section in mind, Draper City hereby adopts the following goals for the city's ethics program:
1. To promulgate and implement a comprehensive approach to ethics and integrity in Draper City government;
2. To promote public confidence in elected officials, appointed officials and employees by fostering the ethical operation of government;
3. To promote and ensure compliance with local, state, and federal ethics law;
4. To centralize laws and regulations on the ethical conduct of city elected officials, appointed officials and employees;
5. To heighten knowledge and understanding of the laws and ethical principles which are the inherent obligations of city elected officials and employees;
6. To establish a system to train city elected officials, appointed officials and employees to encourage compliance with these standards and to also provide for periodic review, and education on ethics;
7. To enact an ethics officer system that will continue to evolve and update our city's ethics program and to provide guidance and education to all city departments; and
8. To educate city officials and employees to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
C. Level Of Ethics: Through this comprehensive ethics code and the related goals, the city will strive to elevate the level of ethics in local government, to provide honest and responsible service to the citizens of Draper City, and to maintain the confidence and trust of the public that this government serves. (Ord. 785, 7-31-2007, eff. 8-15-2007)