14-1-090: EXCEPTIONS:
A.   Emergency Vehicles: The provisions of this traffic code shall not apply to official emergency or law enforcement vehicles or persons driving such vehicles when the authorized vehicle is being driven in response to an emergency, or when used in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the laws, or when responding to a fire alarm or other emergency, as provided in Utah Code Annotated section 41-6a-212, as amended.
B.   Maintenance Vehicles: The provisions of this traffic code shall not apply to official maintenance vehicles or persons driving such vehicles while actually engaged in work upon the surface of a highway within the jurisdiction of Draper City, as provided in Utah Code Annotated section 41-6a-212, as amended. (Ord. 1054, 7-30-2013)
14-1-100: PENALTIES:
Except as otherwise provided, any violation of this title shall be a class C misdemeanor. This section shall not limit the authority of any other relief as may be appropriate and lawful under the laws of the state of Utah. (Ord. 1054, 7-30-2013)
14-1-110: FINES:
Fines for all criminal and traffic offenses set forth herein shall be set and imposed in accordance with the uniform fine/bail schedule established by the Utah administrative office of the courts. (Ord. 1054, 7-30-2013)