A.   Inspection Of Buildings, Structures, And Land Uses: The zoning administrator is hereby authorized to inspect all buildings and structures in the course of construction, modification, or repair and to inspect land uses to determine compliance with the provisions of this title.
B.   Right Of Entry: Authorized city personnel shall have the right to enter any building for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of this title. Such right of entry shall be exercised only at a reasonable hour. In no case shall entry be made to any building in the absence of the owner or tenant thereof without consent of the owner or tenant, or a written order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
C.   Violation: The zoning administrator shall investigate any purported violation of this title.
D.   Interference With Enforcement Personnel: It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with lawful enforcement activities.
E.   Other City Departments To Assist With Enforcement Activities: At the request of the city manager, other city departments shall assist in the administration of enforcement activities authorized by this title.
F.   Notice: In the case of violations not involving continuing construction or development, or any emergency situation, the zoning administrator shall give written notice of the nature of the violation to the owner of the land and to any person who is a party to any relevant permit, certificate, or approval. The persons receiving such notice shall have thirty (30) days to correct the violation before further enforcement action.
G.   Immediate Enforcement: In the case of a violation involving either continuing construction or development, or an emergency situation (as reasonably determined by the zoning administrator) the city may use the enforcement powers and remedies available to it under this chapter without prior notice. In such case, the zoning administrator shall send the notice to the same parties set forth in the previous section simultaneously with the beginning of enforcement action.
H.   Enforcement And Abatement: Any building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted, moved, or maintained; or any land, building, or premises used contrary to the provisions of this title is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. Upon request by the zoning administrator the city attorney may commence action or proceedings for the abatement, removal, and enjoinment thereof in the manner provided by law. The city attorney may take such other steps and may apply to such court as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such building or structure, and restrain and enjoin any person, firm, or corporation from setting up, erecting, building, maintaining, or using any building, structure, or property contrary to the provisions of this title. (Ord. 394, 8-7-2001)