A.   All businesses, owners, licensees, or applicants are obligated to be aware of and are deemed to have constructive notice of all time periods and/or deadlines and the effect of noncompliance with said time periods and/or deadlines as set forth in this title relating to the application, issuance, renewal, expiration, appeal or other action relating to business licenses, alcohol licenses, or any other licensing matters set forth in this title.
B.   Nothing in this title shall be construed as requiring the city to take any affirmative action to notify businesses, owners, licensees, or applicants of any time periods and/or deadlines, or the effect of noncompliance with said time periods and/or deadlines set forth in this title relating to the application, issuance, renewal, expiration, appeal or other action relating to business licenses, alcohol licenses, or any other licensing matters as set forth in this title. (Ord. 1100, 4-29-2014)