A. Unless otherwise approved by the City, encroachments within City rights-of-way or within City-owned or controlled properties shall comply with the following standards:
1. Utility Placement And Construction:
a. Hard Surface: On City roads with a hard surface (including bituminous surface treatment and asphalt paving) utility lines, pipes, etc., may be installed within the roadway resulting in a cut through the hard surface. However, the City may require utility lines be installed under the road surface using techniques that do not require a cut through the road surface, such as tunneling, burrowing or driven pipe. The repaired road surface shall meet or exceed existing conditions and shall not negatively affect the surrounding roadway.
b. No Hard Surface: On City roads with no hard surface, utility lines, pipes, etc., may be installed within the roadway in a manner resulting in constructed conditions meeting or exceeding existing conditions.
c. Location: Utilities shall be located as near as practicable to the outer edge of the City right-of-way.
d. Crossing Road Or Right-Of-Way: Where utility cables cross a road or right-of-way, such cables shall be encased in conduit extending two feet (2') beyond the bottom of the ditch or to the edge of any fill within the right-of-way. Water lines and pressurized sewage lines that cross roads and rights-of-way shall be placed in a secondary encasement for ease of maintenance and repair.
e. Traffic Control: During construction work barricades, lights and other traffic control devices shall be erected and maintained as may be necessary to conform to the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, which is hereby adopted and incorporated herein.
f. Storage Areas: Equipment parking and materials storage shall be as far from the road surface as feasible, and equipment or materials left overnight within thirty feet (30') of the road surface shall be marked and/or protected, so as not to constitute a hazard to the traveling public. This subsection shall not be construed to authorize trespass upon private lands adjacent to City roads or rights-of-way for construction, equipment parking, materials storage, or any other purpose.
g. Repair, Restoration: Any disturbance of the travel surface, shoulders, ditches, drainage or traffic control devices shall be repaired and restored to its prior condition. If trench or pavement settling should occur within two (2) years of the installation of the utility, repairs shall be made by the applicant or utility as directed by the City and at no cost to the City. By proceeding with the original approved construction, the applicant or utility agrees that if the applicant or utility fails to make such necessary repairs, the City may initiate the repair and bill the applicant or utility. No new construction within City rights-of-way will be authorized to that applicant or utility until such claim has been settled.
h. Debris: Upon completion of construction of the lines and facilities, all rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and the roadside shall be left safe and clean to the satisfaction of the City.
i. Reseeding: All areas within the City right-of-way which have been disturbed or denuded of vegetation shall be reseeded as soon as possible after utility construction is completed.
j. Private Property: Not all City roads exist within known City- owned right-of-way. The applicant or utility provider is responsible for obtaining the necessary easements from any private property owner.
2. Driveways And Intersecting Roadways:
a. New Roadway: Unless otherwise approved by the City, that portion of any new roadway or driveway within the City right-of- way shall comply with the standard drawings adopted by resolution of the City Council.
b. Culverts: Culverts under new roadways or driveways located within the public right-of-way shall comply with the standard drawings adopted by resolution of the City Council. The proposed diameter and length will be reviewed and approved by the City prior to construction. Culverts shall be located, sized, and constructed to form a continuation of and not adversely impact the existing roadside drainage system, and shall extend to the toe of any fill placed with the driveway.
c. Curbs And Gutter: Where curbs and gutters have been installed or are planned to be installed, the driveway shall be constructed to maintain the integrity of the curb and gutter design.
d. Traffic Control Devices: During construction of encroachment, barricades, signs, and other traffic control devices shall be erected and maintained as required by the City in conformance with the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (Ord. 149, 3-9-2017)