If the city council for any reason deems revocation or suspension of the license appropriate, the licensee shall be afforded a hearing before city council, together with the right of representation at licensee's expense and choosing.
   A.   Notice: The city clerk shall provide written notice to the licensee of said hearing setting forth the time, place and date for said hearing, which shall be at least five (5) days from the date first notified of city council's decision to revoke or suspend. Only after such hearing is held or waived by the licensee, shall the license in question be suspended or revoked.
   B.   Fee Not Refunded: Upon such suspension or revocation, no refund of any unexpired portion of the license fee shall be made to the licensee.
   C.   Certification To State, County: A certified copy of such suspension or revocation shall immediately be forwarded to the state director of law enforcement and the county sheriff's department by the city clerk. (Ord. 119, 6-9-2011)