For the purposes of this title, the following terms, phrases, and words shall have the following meanings:
The duly appointed planning and zoning administrator of the city of Dover.
A strip of land dedicated to public use providing vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear or side of properties that abut and are served by a public road.
A group of contiguous lots within fixed boundaries established and described by a recorded subdivision plat.
An adjustment of property lines between two (2) or more existing adjacent unplatted parcels or the combining of parcels to create fewer parcels.
The duly elected legislative authority of the city of Dover.
Lots that are smaller than the minimum standard for a given zoning district, which are grouped together to reduce infrastructure and increase opportunity for open or common space.
The current plan of the city of Dover, adopted pursuant to the Idaho Local Land Use Planning Act.
An estate consisting of an undivided interest in common in real property, in an interest or interests in limited common area or in any combination thereof, together with a separate interest in space of a structure.
A subdivision option as provided by this title, allowing for the preservation of open spaces, density averaging, and design variations.
A street closed at one end by an area of sufficient size and shape for turning of emergency vehicles.
The deliberate conveyance of land to the public by an owner for any general and public uses, together with an acceptance of that land on behalf of the public. Land to be dedicated through the platting process shall be depicted and specifically conveyed on a final plat. Approval of the plat and endorsement by the city shall constitute acceptance of the dedication.
Any transaction or action that alters or affects the shape, size, or legal description of any part of an owner's "land," as defined in this section. Rental or lease of a building, facility or structure that does not alter or affect the legal description of an owner's land shall not constitute a division of land.
A right granted by a property owner to a person or entity for a specific use of the land.
A required study compiled by the applicant pertaining to the effect of any proposed development on city services and other public services, including police, fire, schools, public works (i.e., water, sewer, streets) and other anticipated impacts to areas affected by applicant's proposal.
A platted parcel of land recorded pursuant to Idaho Code title 50, chapter 13.
A reconfiguration of platted lot lines between two (2) or more lots that does not result in the creation of any additional lots.
An amendment to a recorded plat to enter minor changes to notes, corrections to lot or block numbering, endorsements, dedications, or similar changes that do not affect the conditions of approval of the original plat.
Not located on the property that is the subject of a development application.
Located on the lot or parcel in question or on the property being developed.
Land dedicated or reserved for the public or for the use and enjoyment of specific owners and occupants, pursuant to the specific standards of this title, which may include greenbelts, parkland, forested areas, or wetlands that are generally kept free of structures, but may include restrooms, picnic areas, recreation centers, or other uses consistent with the open space functions.
An unplatted unit of contiguous land under one ownership and constituting a separate tract of land.
A reproducible or permanent representation of a subdivision showing thereon the division of a tract or parcel of land into lots, blocks, roads and alleys or other divisions, dedications and easements, prepared for filing and recording with the county recorder in accordance with Idaho Code title 50, chapter 13.
The final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the county recorder and containing all elements and requirements set forth in Idaho Code and this title.
A drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the proposed general layout of roads and alleys, lots, blocks, open space, restrictions, and other elements of a plat or subdivision, as required by this title.
A subdivision of land into four (4) or fewer lots.
All sewerage collection systems, community septic tank and drainfield, pump stations, interceptor and appurtenances that are used or will be used to transport, treat and dispose of sewage.
An improved and maintained public right of way that provides multi-modal circulation such as vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian, a principal means of access to adjacent properties, the dedication of which has been officially accepted by the city of Dover, or other local, state, or federal entity with jurisdiction over transportation systems, and which may also include dedications for public utilities, pedestrian walkways, stormwater features, cut and fill slopes, and drainage. The term "street" also includes the terms highway, parkway, road, avenue, and other such terms. The city council will adopt by resolution and periodically update roadway standards defining and depicting specific dimensions, requirements, and options for roads within the city. Speed limits for each road are determined by Idaho Code, the road classification, and engineering studies.
Streets are classified in the city by means of a Dover Road Classification Map consistent with the Statewide System Map. Definitions will be consistent with the Highway Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures as published by the most current version of the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. In accordance with 23 CFR 470, the Idaho Transportation Department has the primary responsibility for developing and updating Idaho's Statewide Functional Classification map and must collaborate with local officials and appropriate federal agencies. The City of Dover will coordinate with the Independent Highway District regarding classifications and changes to roadway classifications. Definitions are abbreviated and generally described below:
Characteristics of urban, rural arterials serve major centers of metropolitan areas, provide a high degree of mobility and can also provide mobility through rural areas. minor urban and rural arterials provide service for trips of moderate length, serve geographic areas that are smaller than their higher arterial counterparts and offer connectivity to the higher arterial system. These types of roads are not typical for the city.
Collectors serve a critical role in the roadway network by gathering traffic from local roads and funneling them to the arterial network. Within the context of functional classification, collectors are broken down into two categories: major collectors and minor collectors both with urban and rural definitions. The distinctions between major collectors and minor collectors are often subtle. Generally, major collector routes are longer in length; have lower connecting driveway densities; have higher speed limits; are spaced at greater intervals; have higher annual average traffic volumes; and may have more travel lanes than their minor collector counterparts. Careful consideration should be given to these factors when assigning a major or minor collector designation. In rural areas, AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) and spacing may be the most significant designation factors.
Locally classified roads account for the largest percentage of all roadways in terms of mileage. They are not intended for use in long distance travel, except at the origin or destination end of the trip, due to their provision of direct access to abutting land A street usually of limited continuity that serves to primarily provide access to properties adjacent to the roadway and direct this local traffic to higher volume roadways (collectors and arterials).
A street, road or drive that is not a dedicated and accepted public right of way for public use, and is not maintained by the city of Dover, Bonner County or the state of Idaho.
This type of road is dedicated to the public for right-of-way purposes, with maintenance deferred to private landowners or homeowner associations. The city will not accept this type of designation within new subdivisions.
A person or entity who proposes to create, expand, or replat a subdivision.
The division of land into two (2) or more contiguous lots, parcels, tracts, or sites for the purpose of sale, lease, transfer or development, that meet the criteria and subject to the exemptions set forth in this title.
All maps, plans, plats, and narrative that together fully describe a proposed subdivision, as required by this title.
The beds of navigable lakes, rivers, and streams below the natural or ordinary high-water marks or artificial high-water marks, as defined by title 12.
The regulations of title 12 of city code adopted by the city council, pursuant to Idaho Code.
City permit required prior to the construction, remodel, modification or moving onto the site any structure, as set forth in section 12-3-9 of this code. (Ord. 172, 7-8-2021)