Application for a floodplain development permit shall be made to the city of Dover on forms provided by the city prior to any development activities located within special flood hazard areas. The floodplain development permit application shall be submitted to the city clerk, along with the applicable fees, and shall contain:
   A.   A plot plan drawn to scale that shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following specific details of the proposed floodplain development:
      1.   The nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area of development/disturbance; existing and proposed structures, utility systems, grading/pavement areas, fill materials, storage areas, drainage facilities, and other development;
      2.   The boundary of the special flood hazard area as delineated on the FIRM or other flood map as determined in section 10-3-2 of this title, or a statement that the entire lot is within the special flood hazard area;
      3.   The flood zone(s) designation of the proposed development area as determined on the FIRM or other flood map, pursuant to as determined in section 10-3-2 of this title;
      4.   The boundary of the floodway(s) or flood fringe area(s) as determined in section 10-3-2 of this title;
      5.   The base flood elevation (BFE) where provided as set forth in section 10-3-2, 10-7-3 or 10-7-4 of this title;
      6.   The old and new location of any watercourse that will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development.
   B.   Proposed elevation, and means of elevating method thereof, of all development within a special flood hazard area, as verified by an Idaho licensed surveyor or other professional authorized by Idaho Code to provide such elevations. Elevations include, but are not limited to:
      1.   Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the proposed lowest floor (including basement) of all structures;
      2.   Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure in zone A, AE, AH, AO, or A1-30 will be floodproofed; and
      3.   Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any proposed utility systems will be elevated or floodproofed.
   C.   If floodproofing, a floodproofing certificate with supporting data, an operational plan, and an inspection and maintenance plan that include, but are not limited to, installation, exercise, and maintenance of floodproofing measures.
   D.   A foundation plan, drawn to scale, which shall include details of the proposed foundation system to ensure all provisions of this title are met. These details include, but are not limited to:
      1.   The proposed method of elevation, if applicable (i.e., fill, solid foundation perimeter wall, solid backfilled foundation, open foundation, or on columns/posts/piers/piles/shear walls);
      2.   Openings to facilitate automatic equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on walls in accordance with subsections 10-7-1H2a through H2f of this title when solid foundation perimeter walls are used in zones A, AE, AH, AO, and A1-30.
   E.   Usage details of any enclosed areas below the lowest floor.
   F.   Plans and/or details for the protection of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems to be located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
   G.   Certification that all other local, state, and federal permits required prior to floodplain development permit issuance have been received.
   H.   Documentation for placement of recreational vehicles and/or temporary structures, when applicable, to ensure that the provisions of subsections 10-7-2E and F of this title are met.
   I.   A description of proposed watercourse alteration or relocation, when applicable, including an engineering report on the effects of the proposed project on the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse and the effects to properties located both upstream and downstream; and
   J.   A map (if not shown on plot plan) showing the location of the proposed watercourse alteration or relocation. (Ord. 147, 2-9-2017)