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Section 3.1  Form.
   The city shall have the council-manager non-partisan form of government.
Section 3.2  City Council Composition And Power.
   There shall be a city council consisting of seven (7) councilpersons.  The council shall elect the mayor & mayor pro-tem from the (7) seven council members.  The council shall constitute the legislative and governing body of the city and shall have the power and authority to adopt such ordinances and resolutions, as it shall deem proper in the exercise of its power.
Section 3.3  Qualifications Of Council Members.
   The members of the council shall meet the eligibility requirements as set forth herein.  The councilperson shall be a resident of the city for not less than one (1) year and shall be a registered voter at the time of the election for which each is a candidate.  They must remain a resident of the city during their term of office.
Section 3.4  Terms Of Office Of Councilpersons.
   (a)   There shall be a regular city election held in November of each year.
   (b)   There shall be elected from the city at large, councilpersons for terms of two (2) years each.
   (c)   At one regular election, four (4) councilpersons shall be elected.  At the following regular election, three (3) councilpersons shall be elected and such additional number of councilpersons as may be required to fill vacancies at either election.
   (d)   All terms of office shall commence at 9:00 o’clock in the morning local time on the Monday following the date of the election, as certified by the canvas board.