(A)   General Closing Hours:
      1.   No person other than a licensee or an employee of a licensee shall remain upon any licensed premises for any period of time longer than one-half (1/2) hour following the time specified in section 5-13-9 of this chapter as the time when the sale, distribution, transfer or gift of alcoholic liquor must terminate.
      2.   No person including a licensee or an employee of a licensee shall remain upon any licensed premises for any period of time longer than eighty (80) minutes following the time specified in section 5-13-9 of this chapter as the time when the sale, distribution, transfer or gift of alcoholic liquor must terminate. At no time while the licensee, or his employees or agents, are upon the premises for the purpose of operating, controlling, maintaining or cleaning the premises, shall the licensee or employee or agent consume, sell, deliver, transfer, distribute or give away any alcoholic beverage on said premises; and during said times the doors of the licensed premises shall be secured to the general public.
      3.   No licensee, employee or agent of a licensee shall permit any other person to remain on the licensed premises beyond the closing hours specified in subsection (A)1 of this section and in section 5-13-9 of this chapter.
   (B)   Exception: Persons and premises having a Class A, A-1, B, B-1, C or C-1 license may remain open after the time designated in subsection (A) of this section but only for the sale of food or beverages other than alcoholic liquor.
   (C)   Special Permit Application: A licensee may apply to the Liquor Commission for a special permit to allow the licensee, its agent or employees, to be upon the licensed premises at other times for the purpose of remodeling or redecorating. Such permit shall be issued only if a valid building permit for such redecorating or remodeling, if necessary, has been issued by the building official of the City.
   (D)   Exception For Class F, F-1, G-1, I, Or I-1 License: Persons and premises having a Class F, F-1, G-1, I, or I-1 license may remain open after the time designated in section 5-13-9 of this chapter but only for the sale of food products, drugs, gasoline and retail items other than alcoholic liquor.
   (E)   Exception For Class N License: Persons and premises having a Class N license may remain open after the time designated in section 5-13-9(E) of this chapter; provided, that all beer and wine shall be removed from the licensed premises at that time. (Ord. 1612, 8-19-1991; amd. Ord. 2205, 1-3-2000; Ord. 2498, 9-7-2004; Ord. 3186, 2-18-2020; Ord. 3211, 9-21-2020)



1. It is the intention of the City Council that this section control the times when patrons must vacate licensed premises and control the times when licensees or employees must vacate licensed premises to ensure adequate enforcement of this liquor ordinance and to protect the owners of such premises against unauthorized intrusion into their premises by persons committing or attempting to commit burglary, theft, criminal damage to property or criminal trespass.