Reference/Ord. No.
| Name
Reference/Ord. No.
| Name
February 3, 1920 | Boyd Street, Westerly from extension northerly of east line of Lot 59, in E. C. Parson's Addition to the City of Dixon. |
April 10, 1928 | Boyd Street, small parcel bounded on the west by East line of Lot 88 in E.C.Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon projected north; on north by north line of Lot 45 in E. C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon projected east; on east by east line of Lot 1 in Block 65 in town of North Dixon, projected north; and on the south by north line of Lot 1 in Block 65 in Town of North Dixon. |
February 14, 1868 | Brooks Street (Now Brooks Place) all lying north of north line of Chambers (Chamberlin?) Street. |
August 16, 1901 | Brooks Street (Now Brooks Place) south of Fellows Street. |
July 18, 1947 | Canal Court, between Harrison Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. |
November 9, 1891 | Centre Street (Now part of College Avenue), west of east line of Riverside Addition. |
September 3, 1897 | Chicago Street (An extension of Chicago Avenue) from May 13, 1898 Seventh Street northwesterly to Ottawa Avenue. |
October 7, 1912 | College Avenue, north of River Street. |
February 12, 1897 | College Avenue, from South Broadway to Chicago & Northwestern right-of-way; and also adjoining lots and blocks. |
May 31, 1950 | Depot Avenue, small parcel adjoining Lot 6 in Block 18 in Dement's Addition. |
June 21, 1940 | Dixon Avenue from North line of First Street, north 150 feet. |
June 21, 1949 | Douglas Avenue, between Sixth Street and Fourth Street. |
April 19, 1949 | Eighth Street from west line of Van Buren Avenue to east line of railroad right-of-way. |
October 8, 1888 | Everett Street east of the Southwest Corner of Block 1 in North Dixon. |
October 16, 1861 | Fourth Street between Galena Street (Now Avenue) and Market Street (Now Highland Avenue), (Presently open and traveled between Peoria Avenue and Highland Avenue. |
November 18, 1924 | Fourth Street northerly 20 feet in width lying south and adjacent to Lot 8 in Block 39 in Original Town of Dixon. |
November 4, 1947 | Fourth Street from easterly line of Central Place to west line of Illinois Central Railroad right-of-way. |
February 23, 1866 | "G" Street (Now Douglas Avenue) between Blocks 14 and 15 in West Dixon, and thence to Rock River. |
March 2, 1866 | "H" Street (Now Logan Avenue) between Blocks 55 and 56, 61 and 62, in West Dixon, (Presently open and traveled). |
March 9, 1920 | Highland Avenue, west of and adjoining Lots 4 and 7 in Block 7 in the Original Town of Dixon, and east of present (1920) concrete wall of waterway in Highland Avenue. |
September 1, 1944 | Hancock Avenue, all North of Fourth Street. |
July 18, 1947 | Harrison Avenue, north or River Street Reserves easement to City to repair sanitary sewer. |
September 6, 1907 | Inlet Avenue, all east of easterly line of Ottawa Avenue southerly prolongation of said easterly line and south of southerly line of Spruce Street and westerly prolongation of southerly line. |
July 28, 1931 | Inlet Avenue from Ninth Street south to Spruce Street. |
February 23, 1866 | "J" Street (Now Sherman Avenue) and Middle Street (Now Second Street, between Blocks 37, 38, 38 and 40 in West Dixon. |
June 5, 1882 November 12, 1887 | Jackson Street from First Street to Third Street. |
July 22, 1890 | Jackson Street from First Street North to right-of-way of Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, between Blocks 7 and 8 of Subdivision of West half (W1/2) Northwest quarter (NW1/4), Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of 4th Principal Meridian. |
May 13, 1930 | Jackson Avenue (Jackson Place), north of River Street, (See "A" Miscellaneous, 484 and 485. |
February 23, 1866 | Middle Street (Now Second Street) and "J" Street (Now Sherman Avenue), between Blocks 37, 38, 39 and 40, in West Dixon. |
February 1, 1867 | Market Street (Now Highland Avenue), from Second Street to Third Street. |
November 7, 1881 | Madison Avenue, 25 Feet in width off east side from First Street to River Street. |
March 20, 1924 | North Ottawa Avenue, all northerly of north line of East Graham Street. |
September 6, 1907 | Ottawa Avenue, all east of easterly line of Ottawa Avenue and southerly prolongation of said easterly line, and south of southerly line of Spruce Street and westerly prolongation of said southerly line. |
September 13, 1932 | Ottawa Avenue (See "C" Plats, 21), beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 11 of said Park Manor Addition, as recorded in the County Recorder's Office, on Page 21 of Book "C" of Plats, and running north easterly in a straight line 32.5 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence running northerly along the easterly line of Lots 10 and 11, 15.8 feet to the westerly line of State Bond Issue Route No. 89 produced, thence running southerly along said westerly line produced; 54.6 feet to the east line of Section 5, thence South along the said East line of Section 5, 175.2 feet to the easterly line of Peoria Avenue produced; thence northwesterly along said easterly line of Peoria Avenue produced 63.5 feet to the place of beginning. |
January 7, 1938 | Ottawa Avenue, a strip of land 12 feet wide on the north, and 14.9 feet wide on the south, and 109 feet long adjoining lots on the east in Park Manor Addition to the City of Dixon, as shown by the Plat recorded in the office of the Recorder of Lee County, in Book "C" of Plats, Page 21, and a part of the South half (S 1/2) of the Northeast One-fourth (NE1/4) of the Southeast One fourth (SE 1/4) of the Southeast One-fourth (SE1/4) of Section Five (5), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Nine (9), East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, in said Lee County, Illinois, and which said strip of land is a portion of Ottawa Avenue. |
June 27, 1947 | Ottawa Avenue easterly 101/2 feet adjacent to Lot 6 in Block 3 in the Original Town of Dixon. |
July 1, 1904 | Perry Place north of River Street. |
October 26, 1915 | Poplar Street south of line 33 feet south of north line of Southwest quarter (SW1/4), Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 9, East of 4th Principal Meridian, and east of Walnut Avenue. |
August 13, 1937 | River Street, the northerly 13.2 feet and the southerly 6.8 feet from westerly line of Peoria Avenue to a line parallel with and 150 feet westerly thereof. |
March 2, 1866 | Stiles Street, between Blocks 54 and 63, 55 and 62, 56 and 61, 57 and 60, 58 and 59, in West Dixon. |
June 5, 1882 November 12, 1887 | Second Street from Adams Street (Now College Avenue) to Van Buren Street (Now Van Buren Avenue) |
February 12, 1897 | South Broadway, 10 feet in width off each side, from Nachusa Avenue to I.C. Railway Co. right-of-way. |
February 12, 1897 | South Broadway, west of Nachusa Avenue. |
January 2, 1934 | Second Street, Custer Avenue to East line of Lots 24 and 59 in Maple Park Addition to the City of Dixon. |
January 2, 1934 | Sheridan Avenue, south line of Alley north of Second Street to North line of Alley south of Second Street. |
June 27, 1947 | Second Street, all west of Custer Avenue. |
April 22, 1924 | Third Street, all south of and adjoining Lot 1 in Block 39 in the Town of West Dixon bounded as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of said Lot 1 and thence southerly with extension of west line of said Lot 1, 20 feet; thence northeasterly along north line of present (1924) Third Street, 851/2 feet to south line of said Lot 1; thence westerly along south line of said Lot 1, 84.67 feet to place of beginning. |
February 3, 1920 | Upham Street, southerly from extension westerly of North line of Lot 23 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon. |
September 25, 1936 | Upham Street, small parcel in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Addition to the City of Dixon, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Upham Street, 15 feet south of Southeast Corner of Lot 102; thence east 20 feet; thence at right angles South, parallel with east line of Lots 101 and 102, 50 feet more or less to extension west of North line of Lot 23; thence west along extension of North line of Lot 23, 20 feet to east line of Lot 101; thence north a long east line of Lot 101 and extension thereof, 50 feet to the place of beginning. |
March 29, 1946 | Upham Street, easterly 16 feet adjacent to Lot 22 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon. |
April 22, 1887 | Van Buren Street (Now Van Buren Avenue) from North First Street to Railroad Track. |
February 23, 1866 | Water Street (Now Canal Court and further vacated), all of Water Street between Blocks 1 and 14, between Block 15 and Rock River, in West Dixon; (i.e., all west of Lincoln Avenue). |
March 2, 1866 | Washington Street (Now Dement Avenue), between Blocks 20 and 21 in Town of Dixon. |
October 8, 1888 | Water Street, east of Southwest corner of Block 1 in North Dixon. |
February 3, 1920 | Water Street (Now part of Lincoln Statue Drive), westerly from extension southerly of east line of Lot 74 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon. |
July 17, 1924 | Water Street, south of Lots 12, 11, 10, 9, and east 25 feet of Lot 8 in B lock 53, in Town of North Dixon; south of Block 34 in Town of North Dixon; south of East Boyd Street and east from Brinton Avenue to a point 118 feet east of Brinton Avenue. |
July 7, 1899 | Unnamed Street or road upon old right-of-way of Illinois Central Railroad, across Lots 2, 3, 5 and 6, in Block 68 in the Original Town of Dixon. |
February 3, 1920 | Unnamed Alley, between Water Street and Boyd Street and running westerly from extension northerly of east line of Lot 74 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon. |
February 3, 1920 | Unnamed Alley, northerly of and adjoining Lot 101 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to the City of Dixon. |
August 17, 1926 | Unnamed Alley in Steinmann's Addition to City of Dixon north of and adjacent to Lots 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 101 in Steinmann's Addition. |
August 17, 1926 | Unnamed Alley in Steinmann's Addition of the City of Dixon, between Lots 99 and 101 in Steinmann's Addition. |
April 10, 1928 | Unnamed Alley in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to City of Dixon, all easterly from extension northerly of Lot 74 in E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition. |
April 10, 1928 | Unnamed Alley in E.C. Parson's Addition to City of Dixon, east of Lot 45 E.C. Parson's Black Hawk Addition to City of Dixon, and West of Lot 1 in Block 65 in Town of North Dixon. |
January 31, 1936 | Unnamed Alley, 10 feet x 120 feet from East First Street to Commercial Alley, between Galena Avenue and Ottawa Avenue (See "M", Deeds, 452). |
October 2, 1936 | Unnamed Alley, running north from King Street (Sixth Street) to Rock Island Road (now Fourth Street) between Douglas Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. |
June 27, 1947 | Unnamed Alley, between First Street and Second Street and West of Custer Avenue. |
June 27, 1947 | Unnamed Alley, between Second Street and Third Street and West of Custer Avenue. |
July 2, 1909 | Unnamed Alley in Block 18 in Original Town of Dixon, between Lots 1 and 4, and Lots 2 and 3. |
July 27, 1948 | Unnamed Alley, running westerly from Custer Avenue to vacated Hancock Avenue between Third Street and Clark Street. |
April 19, 1949 | Unnamed Alley west of Block 48 in Dement's Third Addition, from Seventh Street to Eighth Street. |
July 11, 1950 | Unnamed Alley, from Seventh Street south to south line of Lots 4 and 10 in Block 17 in Dement's Addition. |
June 14, 1864 | Lots, Blocks and Streets in Dements Addition to the City of Dixon, Blocks 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 - also all the streets and alleys bordering upon the following named blocks - except South Broadway and those parts of Depot, Centre and Quarry Streets, extending north from said South Broadway into the Depot Grounds of the Galena and Chicago Union Railway Company - also Blocks 44 - also Lots Nos. 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Block No. 45, and Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14 and in Block No. 50, also all of Blocks Nos. 51, 53, 55, 56, the south half of Block No. 48, all of Block No. 7, Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Block No. 8; also Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block No. 1; also Bridge street;; also all of Nachusa street North of Sixth Street; Quarry Street North of the Southwest Corner of Lot No. 4 in Block number 8; all of Fifth Street west of Centre Street; all of Eighth street west of Quarry street; also that part of Eighth street situated between Depot Street and Broadway, and that part of the alley through block number 17 South of the Northeast corner of Lot No. 5 in said Block number 17, and also the Street leading from Broadway into the Depot ground of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Company; also that part of Broadway Street which may become unused in consequence of a contemplated change of the street leading from Broadway Street into said Depot grounds. |
February 5, 1892 | Lot 1 in Block 2 in Dement's Addition, all except the portion necessary to make College Avenue 60 feet wide. |
February 12, 1897 | Lots and Blocks, adjoining College Avenue from South Broadway to Chicago & Northwestern right-of- way. |
February 12, 1897 | Lot and Blocks, adjoining Jackson Avenue from South Broadway to Chicago & Northwestern right-of-way. |
September 6, 1907 | Block 116 in Original Town of Dixon, all east of easterly line of Ottawa Avenue and southerly prolongation of said easterly line, and south of southerly line of Spruce Street and westerly prolongation of said southerly line. |
June 1, 1920 | Lots, all land between Lot 2 in Block 2 in Dement's Addition to the City of Dixon, and the easterly side of College Avenue as now (1920) improved. |
14 | Perry Place between 1st Street northerly to Central Railroad right-of-way. |
64 | Part of Railroad Street and Central Railroad in Original Plat of Town. |
99 | Easterly 25 feet of Nachusa Avenue. |
100 | E.C Court Street in E.C. Parson's Industrial Addition. |
114 | Part of Orchard Street between Depot Avenue and College Avenue. |
165 | Part of 4th Street which lies westerly of west line of Monroe Avenue. |
169 | Unnamed Alley in Steinman's Addition. |
182 | Portion of South College Avenue in Hillcrest Addition. |
197 | Alley in Belleview Addition. |
199 | Portion of East Eighth Street. |
225 | Portion of Dixon Avenue in Original Town of Dixon. |
246 | Alley at North end lots eight and nine in Block No. 2. |
263 | Part of Depot Avenue abutting west side of Dement's Addition. |
303 | That part of East 7th Street as shown on recorded Plat. |
327 | A portion of Dixon Avenue south of south line of Chicago Avenue and north of north line of Poplar Street. |
407 | Noble and Weltz Streets. |
443 | A Portion of Hubbell Drive lying between said Hubbell Drive and Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, and lying Northerly Fifty Feet (50') from the Southerly line of Hubbell Drive. |
444 | Sale of two (2) lots located on South Dement Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets. |
447 | A part of North Hennepin Avenue which lies North of the right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and South of an extension of the Southerly line of Lot Nineteen (19), in Rogers, Moss and Sterling's Subdivision of a part of the East Half (E 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Thirty two (32), Township Twenty two (22) North, Range Nine (9) East of the Fourth Principal Meridian in Lee County, Illinois; and the alley which lies between Lots Five (5) and Six (6) and between Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) in said Rogers, Moss and Sterling's Subdivision, be, and the same is hereby vacated. |
471 | Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Block Forty-two (42) and running Northerly along an extension of the Easterly line of the block a distance of 15 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the Northerly line of said Block 42 to the East line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Thirty-two (32); thence South along said East line to the Northwest corner of said Block 42; and thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Block to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby vacated. |
498 | That portion of the public alley known as Commercial Alley lying between the westerly line of Lots Three (3) and Eight (8) in Block Three (3) and the easterly line of Lots One (1) and Eight (8) in Block Three (3), (also being the westerly line of Crawford Avenue) all in the Original Town, now City, of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, be, and the same is hereby vacated to Dixon Warehouse Co. |
513 | Alley situated along the Northwesterly side of Lot Fifty-Two (52) in Steinman's Addition to the City of Dixon, Illinois, from where the said alley, joins the intersection of Assembly Place to the North line of said Lot Fifty-two (52); |
524 | That alley running east from Logan Avenue to Douglas Avenue between Ninth Street and Factory Street, be, and the same is hereby vacated. |
529 | That portion of Cedar Street lying between Walnut and Chestnut Streets in the City of Dixon be vacated with the following restrictions: |
568 | A strip of land 30 feet in width lying 15 feet on either side of the center line of that part of Cedar Street vacated by the City of Dixon Ordinance No. 529, dated September 20, 1966, lying between the East line of Chestnut and the West line of Walnut Avenue, all in the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois. |
530 | That a twenty foot alley extending from the West line of Custer Avenue to the East line of Hancock Avenue, and lying between Lots 116 to 121, inclusive, and lots 145 to 150, inclusive, be, and the same is hereby vacated. |
539 | All that part of Flower Walk in Assembly Park Subdivision, City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: |
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Flower Walk, 67.7 feet northeasterly of the Southwest corner of Lot 2 in said Assembly Park Subdivision; thence Southeasterly perpendicular to the said north line of Flower Walk, 40 feet to the southerly line of said Flower Walk, being the point of termination. | |
555 | Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot Three (3) in Block Ninety three (93) in said Original Town of Dixon; thence Northeasterly along the Southerly line of said block and on a direct extension Easterly of said line to the Southwest corner of Block Ninety four (94) in said Original Town of Dixon; thence Southeasterly on an extension of the Easterly line of Dixon Avenue thirty feet (30') to a point thirty feet (30') Northwesterly of the Northwest corner of Block Ninety nine (99) in said Original Town of Dixon; thence Southwesterly perpendicular to the last described course thirty five feet (35') to the center line of Dixon Avenue; thence Southeasterly on the said center line of Dixon Avenue to the point of intersection with the Northerly line of Poplar Street extended across Dixon Avenue; thence Westerly on said extended Northerly line of Poplar Street to the Southeast corner of Block One Hundred (100) in the Original Town of Dixon; thence Northwesterly along the Easterly line of said Block One Hundred (100) to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of said Block One Hundred (100) to the Southwest corner of said Block One Hundred (100); thence Northwesterly to the Southwest corner of said Lot Three (3) in Block Ninety three (93), being the point of beginning, situated in the County of Lee in the State of Illinois. |
581 | All that part of the alley in Block Two (2) in the Original Town (now City) of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, lying between the Easterly line of said Block Two (2) and the Westerly line of the East One-half (E1/2) of Lot Seven (7), in said Block Two (2) as extended Northerly. |
620 | That portion of North Hennepin Avenue lying between Blocks 1 and 2 of Roselawn Addition and being that part of North Hennepin Avenue lying between said Blocks and extended Northwesterly from Rodesch Street a distance of approximately 300 feet and all that part of Rodesch Street lying Westerly of North Hennepin Avenue a distance of approximately 350 feet as shown by a plat designating said streets to be vacated, attached to the petition for said vacation and made apart of this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby vacated. |
647 amd. 650 | That portion of River Street lying west of Sherman Avenue and extended to the south bank of Rock River, a distance of approximately thirty feet (30'), be vacated. |
736 | That particular portion of the North and South alley in Block 13 of the West End Addition to the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, lying between Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 and comprising a space of approximately twenty feet in width and one hundred feet (100') in length be and the same is hereby vacated. |
737 | That part of North Hennepin Avenue which lies North of an extension of the Southerly line of Lot 19 and South of a line drawn between the Northwest corner of Lot 22 and the Northeast corner of Lot 23 all in Rogers, Moss and Sterling's Subdivision of a part of the East Half (E1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian in Lee County, Illinois. |
742 | A part of the North-South alley in Block Thirteen (13) in West End Addition to the City of Dixon according to the recorded Plat thereof described as follows: - Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot Seven (7) in said block and running thence West to the Northeast corner of Lot Eight (8) in said block; thence Southerly along the Easterly lines of Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Twelve (12) to the Southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12); thence Easterly to the Southwest corner of Lot Eleven (11) and thence Northerly along the Westerly lines of Lots Eleven (11), Ten (10) and Seven (7) to the point of beginning, said premises being situated in the County of Lee in the State of Illinois. |
ALSO: | |
The alley running from Sheridan Avenue generally Westerly to Grace Avenue and generally to the South of Lots Number One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5) and Six (6) and generally North of Lots Number Seven (7) and Eight (8) in said Block Thirteen (13), West End Addition, City of Dixon, County of Lee in the State of Illinois. | |
812 | Commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Highland Avenue and the west boundary line of premises in question, thence easterly two hundred eighty five feet (285') across the land to a point twenty four feet (24') from the southeasterly line of said land and two hundred sixty five feet (265') from the point where said line produced intersects the center line of Peoria Avenue; thence northeasterly two hundred sixty five feet (265') to the center line of Peoria Avenue, thence southeasterly along the said center line to the southeasterly boundary line. |
843 | Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 - thence Northerly, extending the East line of said Block 61 a distance of 9 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 100.58 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Railroad Company; thence Southerly along said right-of-way line a distance of 9 feet to the North line of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along said North line, to the point of beginning. |
851 | Part of East First Street in the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 19 in the Original Town (now City) of Dixon; thence Northeasterly along the Southerly line of East First Street to the Northeast corner of Block 20 of said Original Town of Dixon; thence Northerly along the Easterly end of First Street to the Northerly line of said First Street; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said First Street to the Southeasterly corner of Block 2 of said Original Town; thence Southerly to the point of beginning. |
862 | Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Lot Nine in said Block 29 in the original Town of Dixon, 50 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly corner of said Lot Nine for the point of beginning; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lots 9, 8, 5 and 4 of said Block 29 a distance of 140 feet; thence Westerly perpendicular to the last described course 20 feet to the Easterly line of lot 3 of said Block 29; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Lots 3, 6, 7 and 10 a distance of 140 feet; thence Easterly 20 feet to the point of beginning. |
867 | All of that part of the Alley in Block 3 of Johnson and Avery's Addition to Roselawn in the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, lying Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and 20 feet Easterly from the West line of Lots 16 and 17 in said Block 3. |
875 | TRACT A: Beginning at the point of intersection of the north line of First Street with the west line of Dixon Avenue as extended northerly thence southerly on the said northerly extension of the west line of Dixon Avenue, 37 feet; thence northwesterly 52.33 feet to a point on the said north line of First Street, 37 feet west of the said point of beginning; thence east on the said north line of First Street, 37 feet to the said point of beginning. |
TRACT B: Beginning at the point of intersection of the south line of First Street with the east line of Dixon Avenue; thence westerly on the said south line of First Street extended, 47 feet; thence southeasterly 66.47 feet to a point on the said east line of Dixon Avenue, 47 feet southerly of the said point of beginning; thence northerly on the said east line of Dixon Avenue, 47 feet to the said point of beginning. | |
961 | All of the Alley as platted in Block 14 in West End Addition to the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois more particularly described as: the 15.5 foot alley in said Block 14 running east and west and lying south of and adjacent to Lots 1 through 6 and the 20 foot alley in said Block 14 running north and south and lying between Lots 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 and 15, 14, 11, 10 and 7. |
1164 (amd. Ord. 1169) | Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot Five (5) in Block Twenty (20) in West End Addition and running Northerly to the Southwest corner of Lot Twenty-one (21) in Block Nineteen (19) in said Addition; thence Easterly along the South boundary lines of Lots Twenty-One (21), Twenty (20), Nineteen (19), Eighteen (18), Seventeen (17) and Sixteen (16) to the Southeast corner of Lot Sixteen (16) in said Block Nineteen (19); thence Southerly along the extension of the Easterly line of Lot Sixteen (16) in said Block Nineteen (19) to its intersection with the North line of Lot Five (5) in Block Twenty (20) in said Addition; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot Five (5) to the place of beginning. |
1260 | That part of Jefferson Avenue lying between Blocks 21 and 22 in the Original Town (now City) of Dixon, and between the North line of East Second Street and the North line of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian. |
1309 | That part of Boyd Street lying between the Westerly line of North Peoria Avenue and the Easterly line of Lots 30 and 50 in E.C. Parsons Blackhawk Addition to the City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois. |
1314 | A triangular parcel of land in Depot Avenue lying west of the West line of that part of Block Eighteen in Dement's addition to the City of Dixon, said subdivision being part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 21, North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Lee County, Illinois more particularly described as follows: |
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 5 in said Block Eighteen of Dement's addition; thence southerly on the West line of said Block Eighteen, said line having an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees 52 minutes 38 seconds west, a distance of 69.74 feet (69.6 feet, Deed) to a point; thence northerly on a line having a bearing of North 8 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds west, a distance of 67.05 feet to a point in the westerly extension of the South line of said Lot 5; thence easterly on said westerly extension of the South line of Lot 5, said line having a bearing of North 72 degrees 30 minutes 42 seconds, east, a distance of 11.30 feet to the point of beginning, containing 374 square feet (0.009 acre), more or less. | |
1348 | The Southerly 20 feet of the Patrick's Court which borders Lots 3 through 8 in S.G. Patrick's Subdivision of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter in Section 5, in Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth P.M., situated in the County of Lee, State of Illinois, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lee County, Illinois. |
1358 | Nachusa Avenue: A triangular parcel of land in Nachusa Avenue lying easterly of the east line of that part of Block Twenty-three in Dement's Addition to the City of Dixon, said Subdivision being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Lee County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: |
Beginning at the point of the intersection of the Easterly Line of Block 23 of Dement's Addition to the City of Dixon with the Northerly Right-of-Way Line of the Chicago and North Western Railway; thence Northerly on said Easterly Line of Block 23, a distance of 59.4 feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly Corner of said Block 23; thence Easterly on an Easterly extension of the Northerly Line of said Block 23, a distance of 72.1 feet, more or less, to a point in said Northerly Railway Right-of-Way Line; thence Southwesterly on said Northerly Railway Right-of- Way Line to the point of beginning. | |
1378 | An ordinance vacating a portion of an alley located adjacent to 1822 Clark Street, Dixon, Illinois. |
1408 | An ordinance vacating a portion of 9th Street between Madison Avenue on the East and Monroe Avenue on the west. |
1447 | An ordinance vacating all of the public alleys located in Block 16 of the Original Town, now City of Dixon, Lee County, Illinois. |
1475 | An ordinance vacating a portion of McKenney Street lying west of Galena Avenue, Dixon, Illinois. |
1487 | An ordinance vacating a portion of an alley pursuant to the petition of Dixon National Bank Trust #1232. |
1531 | An ordinance vacating a portion of First Street and a portion of Dixon Avenue pursuant to the petition of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital. |
1562 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Dement Avenue pursuant to the petition of Robert and Cynthia Fassler. |
1601 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley pursuant to the petition of Charles Crabtree. |
1698 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Eighth Street pursuant to the petition of Terry Stephanich, Debra Stephanich and Charles L. Freed. |
1762 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley in Maple Park addition pursuant to the petition of Dixon Habitat for Humanity, Inc. |
1821 | An ordinance vacating a portion of 1023 Sinnissippi pursuant to the petition of James and Jacquelyn Larson. |
1870 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley pursuant to the petition of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital. |
1893 | An ordinance vacating a portion of 1226 7th Street pursuant to the petition of Dixonweb Printing Company. |
2061 | An ordinance vacating a portion of 1017 Sinnissippi pursuant to the petition of Martin H. Swegle and Susan A. Swegle. |
2085 | An ordinance vacating a portion of an alley pursuant to the petition of Richard G. Wienman, not individually but as trustee of the Harry Wienman residuary trust. |
2119 | An ordinance vacating a portion of an alley lying east of Sheridan Avenue and north of Ninth Street pursuant to the petition of Dixon Habitat for Humanity, Inc. |
2132 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Lincoln Statue Drive pursuant to the petition of the department of transportation, state of Illinois. |
2144 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Sherman Avenue and West Third Street pursuant to the petition of Doris Long. |
2172 | An ordinance vacating a portion of an alley pursuant to the petition of Lloyd Heaton, Irene Chandler and Bev Adamson. |
2285 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley pursuant to the petition of Eric Brauman and Karri Brauman. |
2308 | An ordinance vacating the alley at 409 Sheridan Avenue pursuant to the petition of Robert and Nell Barker. |
2395 | An ordinance amending ordinance 2285, regarding vacating a portion of the alley pursuant to the petition of Eric Brauman and Karri Brauman. |
2407 | An ordinance vacating the alley contiguous to 722 East Second Street pursuant to the petition of Michael L. Mills. |
2433 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Whatever Way pursuant to the petition of Charles W. Willett, Mary S. Willett, Kristi A. Reiss and Mark R. Reiss. |
2434 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Van Epps Avenue pursuant to the petition of Timothy F. O'Sullivan and Virginia J. O'Sullivan. |
2441 | An ordinance vacating a portion of North Ottawa Avenue pursuant to the petition of the Dixon park district. |
2447 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Steinmann Street pursuant to the petition of Tom and Luann Bennett and James and Kelly Eastman. |
2450 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Woodlawn Street pursuant to the petition of Jeremy T. Genz and Teri L. Genz and Willie Robertson. |
2531 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Canal Street and a portion of Douglas Avenue pursuant to the petition of River Shore Builders, Inc. |
2568 | An ordinance vacating a public alley pursuant to the petition of American Storage, LLC. |
2587 | An ordinance vacating portions of a public alley in block number 9 in the west end addition to the city of Dixon. |
2710 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of David W. Bowers and Derri G. Bowers. |
2712 | An ordinance amending ordinance 2710 vacating a portion of a public alley. |
2729 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Crawford Avenue pursuant to the petition of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital. |
2747 | An ordinance amending ordinance 2729 vacating a portion of Crawford Avenue. |
2808 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the petition of Timothy Grove. |
2831 | An ordinance vacating a portion of Harrison Avenue pursuant to the request of Paula Portner. |
2893 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the petition of Willey Realty Trust no. 1 and Dixon Habitat For Humanity, Inc.2924An ordinance vacating unused right of way pursuant to the request of John W. Commons and Patsy Ann Commons. |
2924 | An ordinance vacating unused right of way pursuant to the request of John W. Commons and Patsy Ann Commons. |
2945 | An ordinance vacating unused public alley pursuant to the request of Phillip MacRunnels. |
3043 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Stanley H. Hoffman. |
3044 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Gary M. Howell. |
3047 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Kendal L. Moser and Ruby E. Moser. |
3048 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Russell L. Castle and Judith M. Castle. |
3049 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Carol Beardin. |
3050 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Steven J. Acree and Connie J. Acree. |
3051 | An ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Frank Howell, Jr. and Gary M. Howell. |
3306 | Ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Melissa K. Feit |
3307 | Ordinance vacating a portion of the public alley pursuant to the request of Vicki L. Gugerty |
3325 | Ordinance vacating a portion of Brinton Avenue pursuant to the request of Edgewater Place Condominium Association |
3390 | Ordinance vacating a portion of the public right-of-way commonly known as Marclare Street pursuant to the request of Kreider Services, Incorporated |