A Planned Unit Development will be developed in accordance with the following standards, except that upon a recommendation by the Planning Commission, Council may waive part or all of these requirements where, because of parcel size or shape or other extenuating factors, such a restriction would be to the detriment of quality development, and through site design any adverse effects to adjoining properties can be eliminated.
(a) Location and Minimum Lot Area. Planned Unit Developments may be located in any residential zoning district and shall be a minimum of three acres.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses. All uses permitted in the district for which the Planned Unit Development is located and approved.
(c) Allowable Densities. The maximum density (dwelling units per acre) shall not exceed the density of the zone in which the Planned Unit Development is located.
(d) Permitted Accessory Uses. Permitted accessory uses are:
(1) Common open space for passive or active recreation such as a golf course area specifically for the residents of the Planned Unit Development;
(2) Streams or ponds;
(3) Parking lots; and
(4) Other uses which, as the result of the plan review process, are determined to be designed to serve the residents of the Planned Unit Development.
(e) Common Open Space. At least 40% of the total land area within a Planned Unit Development shall be in common open space.
(f) Unified Control. All lands within a proposed Planned Unit Development shall be under the control of a single applicant, with that applicant being an individual, partnership, corporation or group of individuals, partnerships or corporations. All buildings, structures, landscaping and other improvements in a Planned Unit Development shall be under the unified control of the same applicant.
(g) Access and Circulation.
(1) Public roadway access and roadways shall be constructed in accordance with the standards, regulations and specifications adopted by the Eaton County Road Commission, the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Village.
(2) Private roadway access and roadways shall be constructed in accordance with the standards, regulations and specifications adopted by the Eaton County Road Commission, the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Village.
(h) Parking Standards.
(1) One and one-half spaces are required for one bedroom units and two spaces are required for units of two or more bedrooms. Guest parking shall be as dictated by project design.
(2) Design and layout shall be as follows:
A. Parking must be arranged so as to be compatible with the surrounding development in the District. Parking for residents and guests must be considered in the overall design. Private drives and garages are allowed.
B. Parking lot size shall be as follows:
1. Parking space dimensions shall be in accordance with Section 1288.10.
2. A single parking area shall contain not more than 20 parking spaces.
3. Within a parking area, not more than ten spaces shall be permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by landscaping.
C. Separate parking or storage areas shall be provided to accommodate motor homes, campers, boats and similar vehicles and equipment. Such areas will be screened from both within and without the Planned Unit Development.
(3) Parking lots and loading areas shall be screened from adjacent roads and buildings with hedges, fences, walls, dense plantings or berms.
(4) All parking lots shall be adequately lighted. Lighting shall be so arranged as to direct light away from any residential buildings.
(i) Yard Requirements; Site Perimeter.
(1) Where a Planned Unit Development abuts a residential zoning district, all structures shall be at least 30 feet from any perimeter boundary line, except that such structures in excess of 40 feet in length shall be set back an additional foot for every five feet of building length parallel to such boundary line.
(2) Where a Planned Unit Development abuts a zoning district other than a residential zoning district, all structures shall be set back at least 25 feet from any perimeter boundary line.
(3) Where a Planned Unit Development abuts a residential zoning district, no intensive recreational building or facility shall be located within 50 feet of any perimeter boundary line.
(4) Except for single-family detached dwelling units, where a Planned Unit Development abuts a residential zoning district, no parking area shall be within 50 feet of any perimeter boundary line.
(j) Yard Requirements; Interior. A yard in the interior of a Planned Unit Development may be smaller than the requirements in the zoning district within which it is located. Development may occur without any provision for interior yards, but in no case shall buildings be closer than 20 feet from each other.
(k) Lot Sizes. Lot sizes may be reduced from the regulation of the specific zoning district within which they are located. Provisions may be made for developments without lot area.
(l) Dwelling Unit Access. Dwelling units may front on and take access from private roadways which are part of the commonly held lands within the development.
(m) Improvements and Utilities. Improvements and utilities shall be required in accordance with Section 1292.04.
(n) Landscaping. Acceptable landscaping shall be provided in open spaces around buildings and within parking areas.
(o) Solid Waste Disposal. A satisfactory solid waste disposal system shall be provided.
(Ord. 2002-5. Passed 12-9-02; Ord. 2009-6. Passed 11-9-09.)