(A)   Permission. Planned unit developments are permitted in all zone districts.
   (B)   Minimum lot size. Minimum lot size for a PUD is one acre. All land within the development shall be contiguous except for intervening streets and waterways.
   (C)   One ownership. A tract or parcel of land that is proposed for PUD development must be in one ownership or the subject of an application filed jointly by the owners of all property included.
   (D)   Orientation and placing. Street and lot orientation, landscaping, and placement of structures shall provide for solar access to all south roofs and walls to the maximum extent feasible in order to promote energy efficiency.
   (E)   Emergency vehicles. Buildings may not be so arranged that any structure is inaccessible to emergency vehicles.
   (F)   Underground utility placement. Underground utilities, including telephone and electrical systems, shall be required within the limits of all PUDs, except where lava rock makes it impracticable.
   (G)   Final development plan. A final development plan including the information described in § 154.106 shall be filed with the City Clerk to serve as a record of the approved land uses and project site design. Minor changes in the location, siting, or character of buildings and structures may be authorized by the Administrator. All requests shall be in writing and supported by such documentation as reasonably required by the Administrator. If the Administrator determines that the proposed modification represents a significant change to the proposed project, the City Council shall consider the request according to the hearing procedure set forth in § 154.106.
   (H)   Density. Uses shall relate to those already established in the standard zone districts as described in §§ 154.035 through 154.040 of this code of ordinances and densities shall be no greater than those established for uses in §§ 154.035 through 154.040 and the standard zoning regulations except the Council may grant additional density according to § 154.103.
   (I)   Phased development.
      (1)   The development of the PUD may be planned in phases; provided that, as part of the general submission, a development schedule is approved which describes:
         (a)   An application for detailed submission in phases;
         (b)   The parcels that are to be constructed upon in each phase and the date of each phase submission;
         (c)   The number of units to be built in each submission; and
         (d)   A schedule for the construction of improvements, of making contributions, for various amenities, public services and facilities, open space, and employee housing.
      (2)   Each stage within the PUD shall be so planned and related to existing and/or planned services and facilities, including commercial space, such that each phase is self-sufficient and not dependent on later phases and so that failure to proceed to the subsequent stages will not have any adverse impacts on the PUD, its surroundings, or the community in general. Each stage shall also be planned so as to insure that open space and any other amenities will be provided along with proposed residential construction at each phase of construction.
   (J)   Common usable open space. The following minimum requirements shall apply to common usable open space, defined for the purpose of this subchapter as an area not encumbered by any roadway, parking area, or substantial structure and which is maintained for the purpose of being used and enjoyed for either informal or structured recreational uses by the residents of the PUD project.
      (1)   A proportionate, undivided interest in all common, usable open space shall be granted in perpetuity to each lot or unit owner within the PUD;
      (2)   The deed shall contain restrictions against any encroachment into the common open space area;
      (3)   A long-term maintenance plan shall be provided; and
      (4)   The property owners shall be responsible for maintaining the common usable open space for the benefit of the residents of the PUD.
   (K)   Public easement. In each case where a PUD project is located adjacent to public lands, a public easement to those lands shall be provided.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)