   (A)   (1)   Every person desiring a new water service tap shall make application therefore in writing to the Village Clerk. The application shall state the location of the premises, the legal description, the size of the pipe required, and the approximate location where the service will enter the premises. Taps or connections to the water mains will then be under the supervision of the Commissioner of Water. Taps shall be paid for before they are made and no person other than an authorized person shall make any such tap or connection. Effective immediately, the fees for a water tap or connection for all buildings shall be as follows:
         (a)   Single-family residence - $750;
         (b)   Residential duplex, triplex, or quad - $750 per unit; and
         (c)   Commercial and industrial - $1,500.
      (2)   The expense of labor and materials to install the tap or connection to bring the water lines to the property line of the premises and all other labor and materials shall be paid for by the applicant. Prior to or at the same time the tap or connection is made to the water main, an authorized employee of the Village Water Department shall install a water meter for the premises upon payment by the applicant to the Village Clerk of the actual costs thereof. No person other than an authorized employee of the Village Water Department shall install the water meter and payment of the charge shall be made before it is installed.
      (3)   If a public street or alley is excavated or otherwise disturbed in making either water or sewer connections, the property owner or applicant shall pay for all labor and materials to repair or replace the street or alley to its original condition.
      (4)   All permitted excavations must be completed and the street or alley returned to its original condition within 15 days.
      (5)   This division (A) shall be published in pamphlet form and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law.
(Ord. 1995-08, passed 12-12-1995)
   (B)   (1)   (a)   The village shall not supply potable water to any property outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Diamond except under the circumstances contained herein.
         (b)   Supplying water to property outside of the corporate limits of the village shall be discontinued 10 days from the passage of this division (B), and the service to any such property shall be disconnected.
         (c)   The owner of each property to be disconnected from the village water supply shall be notified in writing as soon as practically possible of the date on which disconnection from the water supply will occur.
      (2)   The foregoing notwithstanding, the village shall not disconnect any property from the village water supply where a contractual obligation exists to continue to supply water to the property and the village shall continue to supply water to the property in accordance with the terms of the contractual obligation.
      (3)   In the event that the disconnection would be unduly burdensome, otherwise present a particular hardship on the person(s) being supplied with water, or where the person(s) is negotiating in good faith toward a contract for supply of water, the Mayor shall be empowered to grant an extension of time before water to the property will be disconnected of up to 10 days.
      (4)   This division (B) shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law and shall be published in pamphlet form.
(Ord. 2002-05, passed 8-13-2002)
   (C)   Applicants requesting connection to a water main within the village shall pay a service connection (tap on) fee in the amount of $1,000 per connection.
(Ord. 2004-08, passed 3-9-2004) Penalty, see § 50.99
   (A)   (1)   There is hereby established a sanitary sewer service connection fee which shall be due and payable to the Village Clerk for connection to the village sanitary sewer system as follows. Effective immediately, every person connecting his or her sewage of any kind shall, upon making an application for his or her permit, pay to the Village Clerk a permit fee according to the following schedule:
         (a)   Single-family residence - $750;
         (b)   Duplex, triplex, or quad - $750 per unit; and
         (c)   Commercial and industrial - $1,500.
      (2)   The expense of labor and materials to install the tap or connection to bring the sewer lines to the property line of the premises and all other labor and materials shall be paid for by the applicant. Prior to or at the same time the tap or connections is made to the main sewer inspection by an authorized employee of the village will be necessary.
      (3)   If a public street or alley is excavated or otherwise disturbed in making either sewer connections, the property owner or applicant shall pay for all labor and materials to repair or replace the street or alley to its original condition.
      (4)   All permitted excavations must be completed and the street or alley returned to its original condition within 15 days.
      (5)   This section shall be published and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law
(Ord. 1995-09, passed 12-12-1995)
   (B)   Applicants requesting connection to a sewer main within the village shall pay a service connection (tap on) fee in the amount of $1,000 per connection.
(Ord. 2004-08, passed 3-9-2004) Penalty, see § 50.99
   (A)   Fees.
      (1)   Monthly user fee; water.
         (a)   The monthly water rates shall apply to all residential and commercial users, except as hereinafter set forth. The monthly water rate shall be at a rate of $32.36 for the first 10,000 gallons of water used, on a bimonthly basis, and the rate of $7.80 per 1,000 gallons of water used, on a bimonthly basis, over 10,000 gallons.
         (b)   The monthly water rates shall apply to all R-5 Mobile Home Districts. There shall be a minimum base rate of $32.36 per dwelling unit. The monthly bill will be calculated by amount of water usage obtained from the master water meter serving the mobile home park, but will not be less than the minimum base rate multiplied by the number of dwelling units being served. Calculations are as follows:
            1.   Number of dwelling units times $32.36 minimum base rate = total charge; plus
            2.   All gallons used, on a bimonthly basis, over 1,830,000 gallons will be calculated at $7.80 per 1,000 gallons.
         (c)   The monthly water rates set forth hereinabove shall be in effect for a period of 1 year after the effective date of this section. Thereafter, said rates shall be subject to an annual increase in an amount of 5%. The monthly water rates shall be rounded to the nearest $.01.
      (2)   Monthly user fee; sewer.
         (a)   1.   Residential users. The following monthly sewer rates shall apply to all residential users, except as hereinafter set forth. The monthly sewer rate shall be at a rate of $17.44 for the first 4,000 gallons of water used, on a bimonthly basis, and the rate of $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of water used, on a bimonthly basis, over 4,000 gallons of water used.
            2.   Commercial users. The following monthly sewer rates shall apply to all commercial users, except as hereinafter set forth. The monthly sewer rate shall be a flat rate of $52.82 per commercial user.
         (b)   The following monthly sewer rates shall apply to all R-5 Mobile Home Districts. There shall be a minimum base rate of $25.10 per dwelling unit. The monthly bill will be calculated by amount of water usage obtained from the master water meter serving the mobile home park, but will not be less than the minimum base rate multiplied by the number of dwelling units being served. Calculations are as follows:
            1.   Number of dwelling units times $25.10 minimum base rate = total charge, plus;
            2.   All gallons used, on a bimonthly basis, over 1,830,000 gallons will be calculated at $1.50 per 1,000 gallons.
         (c)   The monthly sewer rates set forth herein above shall be in effect for a period of 1 year after the effective date of this section. Thereafter, said rates shall be subject to an annual increase in an amount of 5%. The monthly sewer rates shall be rounded to the nearest $.01.
      (3)   Monthly sewer user surcharge. In addition to the monthly sewer user fees set forth in § 50.18(A)(2), a monthly sewer surcharge rate of $15 shall be charged to all residential users, all commercial users and all dwelling units being served in all R-5 Mobile Home Districts.
   (B)   This section shall be in full force and effect beginning on September 1, 2014.
(Ord. 2004-09, passed 3-9-2004; Am. Ord. 2006-19, passed 8-8-2006; Am. Ord. 2006-22, passed 11-14-2006; Am. Ord. 2009-12, passed 8-11-2009; Am. Ord. 2014-09, passed 8-26-2014)
§ 50.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
   (B)   Any person, firm, or corporation violating § 50.01 shall be fined not less than $50, nor more than $750 for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or exists.
(Ord. 1993-22, passed 12-14-1993)
   (C)   Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provisions of § 50.15 shall be fined not less than $100 and not more than $750 for each offense. Each day that the violation continues shall be a separate offense and shall subject the person, firm, or corporation to a like fine of not less than $100 per day nor, more than $750.
(1995-07, passed 11-28-1995)