(A)   Purpose. Site plan review is established to ensure compliance with the standards of development outlined in this zoning chapter. Site plans will typically be reviewed concurrently with §§ 151.135 - 151.139, Architectural and Landscape Requirements.
   (B)   Applicability. Site plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of a building permit for all new construction, any additions (building or parking), and the erection of building structures for all development zoned business (B-1, B-3, BT), industrial (I-1 or I-2), R-3, R-4, and all planned unit developments. The following are specifically exempt from site plan review:
      (1)   Agricultural structures on farmsteads or single-family lots;
      (2)   One-family and 2-family residential uses; and
      (3)   Any commercial, office, manufacturing or multi-family refurbishing, renovation, or structural addition that constitutes less than 25% percent of the total square footage of an existing structure.
   (C)   Application. An application for site plan review shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as established by the Village Board.
   (D)   Plan submission. One electronic set (PDF) and 8 sets of all site plans shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator with all required information. The Zoning Administrator shall have discretion to accept a reduced number of copies of such plans provided at least 3 full-size sets are provided. The plan shall be considered as submitted only when all information, documentation and fee requirements are met. All site plans shall be drawn to scale. The site plan submission packet shall contain the following:
      (1)   Property owner’s name, address and phone number;
      (2)   The developer’s name, address and phone number (if different from property owner);
      (3)   Name, address and phone number of architect, land planner, engineer, surveyor or consulting firm (with contact person listed) who is responsible for compiling the plan;
      (4)   A complete legal description of the subject property;
      (5)   Date of plan preparation and/or revision;
      (6)   North arrow and graphic scale;
      (7)   Current zoning/requested zoning (if a change is desired);
      (8)   Illustration of proposed site conditions, including:
         (a)   Existing topography graphically represented via contour lines of 2-foot intervals, extending 20 feet surrounding the subject site;
         (b)   Location and extent of water bodies, wetlands, streams and floodplains on or adjacent to the subject site;
         (c)   Sidewalks, curbing and drainage structures;
         (d)   Stormwater detention/retention areas. Method of computing drainage requirements shall be consistent with those specified in the village subdivision regulations;
         (e)   Floor area for building footprint and gross floor area of structure, building height and number of stories;
         (f)   Parking, loading, drive aisles, drive-up aisles, driveway access, refuse disposal, and computation of required parking spaces;
         (g)   Grading/drainage plans, including contours and elevations;
         (h)   Erosion control plan for any proposed detention or retention area;
         (i)   Utility plans indicating location of water and sanitary sewer service lines, including size and type of pipe and all other information such as hydrants and clean-outs as may be required by the Village Engineer; and
         (j)   Lighting plans, including type of fixtures, height and location.
   (E)   Procedure for review of site plans.
      (1)   Plan Review Committee created.
         (a)   To provide for the review of planned unit development and site plan applications, a Plan Review Committee is hereby established. This Plan Review Committee shall consist of the Zoning Administrator, the chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Mayor, the Village Engineer, and any other village consultants or staff as determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. No quorum is required to conduct a Plan Review Committee meeting.
         (b)   The Plan Review Committee shall meet as needed. At least 1 week prior to any such meeting, the Zoning Administrator shall submit copies of all pending applications to committee members. The Zoning Administrator will be responsible for documenting suggestions made at committee meetings and forwarding comments to the Plan Review Committee and the applicant.
      (2)   Optional pre-application meeting.
         (a)   Before submitting a complete application and receiving written feedback, the applicant may request a pre-application meeting with the Zoning Administrator.
         (b)   The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to provide the applicant with a preliminary review of his or her proposal and to identify whether the site plan or other proposed improvement plans, if any, appear to provide sufficient detail to determine compliance with the provisions of this zoning chapter and all other applicable village standards and ordinances.
      (3)   Site plan filing and decision.
         (a)   All site plans which are appropriately submitted and conform to standards and regulations set for in this section shall be filed with the Village Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall submit a complete copy to each member of the Plan Review Committee.
         (b)   The site plan will then be reviewed by the Plan Review Committee, who will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposed plan within 30 days following receipt of such site plan from the Zoning Administrator. This time limit may be extended with consent of the applicant when plan revisions are requested prior to approval. The Plan Review Committee’s decision shall be based upon substantial compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The applicant may appeal any decision of the Plan Review Committee to the Village Board for a final decision. The Zoning Administrator shall prepare a letter summarizing Plan Review Committee decisions and provide a copy to the applicant.
      (4)   Revocation. When a site plan has been approved by the Plan Review Committee and when no substantial construction work is initiated within 1 year from the date of approval, then, without further action by the village, such site plan approval shall become null and void.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 14.11, passed 6-23-2015)