(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to require the appropriate buffering between land uses to protect and preserve the aesthetic appeal and character of the surrounding neighborhood and to provide a level of visual screening around permanent structures and parking facilities. Landscape provisions are also designed to enhance the overall visual character of the community as viewed from major roadways.
   (B)   Applicability. All new site developments, expansion of existing structures or reconstruction of structures shall conform to the following landscape provisions. Review of landscape plans shall typically occur during site plan review (see § 151.210).
   (C)   Requirements.
      (1)   Preservation of natural resources. The site design shall minimize disruption of existing natural features, and wherever possible integrate them into the overall design. The following areas should be preserved as open space or shall be appropriately mitigated:
         (a)   Wetlands as regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers;
         (b)   Areas falling within a designated floodplain or floodway; and
         (c)   Significant trees that measure 10 inches or larger in diameter measured 4-1/2 feet above grade.
      (2)   Buffers. Landscape buffers shall be provided between adjacent uses and along major roadways as follows.
         (a)   Buffer between uses. Landscape buffers shall be required for all commercial, office, industrial and multi-family sites that abut single-family use through the use of landscape berms, plantings
and/or fencing to achieve 100% screening year-round. Any berm shall be a physical barrier that blocks or screens the view similar to a hedge, fence or wall. Berms shall be constructed with proper and adequate plant material to prevent erosion.
         (b)   Buffer along major roadways. For the purpose of improving the safety, appearance and environment of the village, a landscape setback shall be provided and maintained along major roadways.
            1.   Landscape buffers shall be required as follows: Along Route 113: 20 feet east of Will Road and 10 feet west of Will Road; and
            2.   Where a greater setback is required by the zoning district regulations, or a planned development, the greater setback requirement shall apply.
            3.   The landscape setback shall comply with the following:
               a.   Except as otherwise provided, no parking or accessory buildings shall be permitted within the landscape setback area. Permitted signs and fencing are allowed within the landscape setback;
               b.   The setback shall be devoted entirely to landscape areas except for sidewalks and necessary paving of driveways to reach the building and parking areas provided such driveways are generally perpendicular to the front lot line; and
               c.   The groundcover of the landscape area shall contain at least 75% live landscaping of which at least 25% consists of shrubs, trees, flowering plants, or other plant materials over 12 inches in height.
         (c)   Street tree planting. Street trees are allowed to be planted within the right-of-way of State Route 113 (subject to IDOT approval). Such planting shall occur in conjunction with development of the property along the subject street frontage. The spacing of street trees shall be no less than 40 feet between plantings. Trees shall be planted a minimum of 4 feet from all curbs and sidewalks. No street tree shall be planted closer than 35 feet to any street corner, measured from the point of nearest intersecting curbs or curb lines. No street tree shall be planted closer than 10 feet to any fire hydrant. The Zoning Administrator may allow minor deviations in these requirements to accommodate unique site conditions.
         (d)   Site landscape standards. The following requirements shall apply to all commercial, manufacturing and multi-family development and are cumulative:
            1.   Multi-family. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 1 approved tree for each 1,000 square feet of landscape space.
            2.   Commercial and manufacturing.
               a.   The applicant shall provide a minimum of 1 approved tree for each 600 square feet of landscape space.
               b.   All required setback areas and areas of a site not proposed to be improved with structures, paved areas, walks or other approved landscaping shall be planted in grass sod or seed unless otherwise approved by the Site Plan Review Committee.
               c.   All parking lot areas shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and streets by approved trees that will attain a minimum height of 3 feet within 3 years or provide for a 3-foot undulating berm or low wall/fence.
               d.   Commercial and office developments shall incorporate required landscape islands that will correspond to an area of 1 parking space for every 7 actual parking spaces exclusive of required buffer yards and foundation approved tree areas.
               e.   Any required landscape islands shall be planted with a minimum of 2-1/2 inch caliper canopy tree equivalents with preferred approved trees mix, including 1 canopy tree. Each canopy tree shall be provided with at least 300 square feet of previous ground area for root growth. This dimension shall be measured from the insides of the curbs.
               f.   Commercial, office and industrial development shall provide foundation approved trees along any façade that exceeds 50 lineal feet. Additionally, commercial, office and industrial developments shall provide a minimum of one 3-inch caliper canopy tree equivalent per 50 lineal feet of building façade.
   (D)   Approved trees. The following shall constitute approved trees for inclusion in landscape plan required hereunder:
      (1)   Shade trees. Shade trees shall be permitted and shall be not less than 2-1/2 inch caliper measured 1 foot from the ground, nor less than 6 feet in height. The following trees are prohibited: soft maple, poplar, box elder, catalpa, tree of heaven, and ash. Willow and mulberry trees may be used as decorative trees located so as to avoid shedding materials onto walks, drives, and parking areas. Existing trees that will be preserved may be counted as meeting the requirement for tree planting.
      (2)   Conifers. Conifers shall be permitted and shall not be any less than 6 feet in height.
      (3)   Ornamental trees. Ornamental trees shall be permitted and shall not be less than 2 inches in caliper measured 1 foot from the ground nor less than 6 feet in height.
      (4)   Replacements. Subsequent to the review and approval of such landscape plan and issuance of the building permit, the Zoning Administrator may approve minor deviations which do not substantially alter the plan, and which do not substantially diminish the intended benefits of such plan.
      (5)   A list of acceptable and non-acceptable plant materials may be found in Appendix A.
   (E)   Timing of landscape improvements. Landscape improvements shall be installed and approved prior to issuance of an occupancy certificate. However, the Zoning Administrator may approve a delay in planting due to weather conditions through the issuance of a temporary occupancy permit until such time as the landscape improvements can be installed.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 11.03, passed 6-23-2015)