Sanitary sewer construction by local government agencies or private persons for sewers to be connected to the city sewerage system shall conform to the rules and regulations of the city, provisions of applicable state agencies, and the following standards, the provisions of which, unless otherwise approved by the secretary, shall be included in all project specifications. In the event of conflict, the highest applicable standard, as determined by the secretary, shall apply.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
(A) Sewer pipe and fittings for mains and laterals. Sewer pipe shall be concrete, conforming to ASTM C14, Class 2, or C76 with ASTM C150, Type II cement; clay conforming to ASTM C200 and clay pipe institute west coast standards; asbestos-cement conforming to ASTM C42 8, Type II, or cast iron conforming to Federal Specification WW-P-421.
(B) Pipe joints.
(1) Clay joints shall be either the Speed-Seal, manufactured by Gladding, McBean, and Company, or the Wedge-Lock, manufactured by Pacific Clay Products, or as approved. Joints shall comply with ASTM C425. Lubricants for jointing shall be as approved by the pipe manufacturer.
(2) Concrete pipe joints shall be rubber-gasketed type. Joints shall conform to ASTM C443, including performance requirements for joints.
(3) Asbestos-cement sewer pipe joints shall be an approved coupling type with rubber gasket, conforming to ASTM D1869. Couplings shall consist of an asbestos-cement sleeve, machined, or otherwise arranged for use with rubber sealing gaskets. Sleeves shall be arranged so the rubber rings are self-positioning. Couplings shall be Ring-Tite, Fluid-Tite, or other approved pattern standard with the pipe manufacturer. Lubricant for jointing shall be as approved by pipe manufacturer.
(4) Cast-iron pipe joints shall be mechanical joint or Tyton joint pipe as manufactured by the United States Pipe and Foundry Company or as approved.
(C) Tee fittings.
(1) Joints on all tee fittings shall be the same as the joints used on the sewer pipe. Caps or plugs shall be furnished with each tee outlet or stub with the same type gasket and joint as furnished with the service connection pipe specified. The plug or cap shall be banded or otherwise secured to withstand all test pressures involved without leakage.
(2) On concrete pipe, fittings 18 inches and under shall be shop-fabricated. Stubs shall be flush with inside of the pipe. Fabrication shall be as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city offices.
(D) Service connection pipe and fittings. Service connection pipes shall conform to one of the following specifications. All pipe shall be air-tested without leakage for ten seconds at an average pressure of 9.5 psi prior to delivery to the user.
(1) Concrete conforming to ASTM 14, Class 2, with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM 443, except the pipe shall have a minimum one-inch thick wall.
(2) Cast iron soil pipe conforming to commercial standard 188 with leaded and caulked joints or approved rubber-gasketed joints.
(3) Asbestos-cement conforming to ASTM C644 with joints conforming to ASTM D1869. Class 2400 shall be used in all trenches deeper than ten feet. Class 1500 may be used in trenches of lesser depth.
(4) Clay conforming to ASTM C200 with joints conforming to ASTM 425.
(5) Fittings shall be manufactured with nominal inside diameters of four and six inches. Long-radius bends shall be used at all changes in direction. Pipe and fittings for individual service connections shall be of one type of material, and no interchanging of pipe and fittings of different material will be allowed. Pipe and fittings shall be one of those specified above. Service connection construction shall conform to the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office.
(E) Manholes.
(1) Concrete for manhole bases shall be ready-mixed conforming to ASTM C94, Alternate 2. Compressive field strength shall not be less than 2,500 pounds per square inch at 28 days.
(2) Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM 615, grade 40, deformed bars.
(3) Precast manhole sections shall be minimum 42-inch diameter conforming to ASTM C478. Eccentric cones shall be used. Manhole steps are not required.
(4) Manhole frames and covers shall be cast iron of size, shape, and minimum weight detailed on the standard manhole details in the standard details on file in the city office. Covers shall have the word “sewer” in two-inch raised letters.
(5) Castings shall be tough, close-grained gray iron, sound, smooth, clean, free from blisters, blow-holes, shrinkage, cold shuts, and all defects, and shall conform to ASTM A4 8, Class 30. Plane or grind bearing surfaces to ensure flat, true surfaces. Covers shall be true and seat within the ring at all points.
(F) Cleanouts. Unless otherwise approved by the secretary, cleanouts or lampholes will not be permitted on any sewer except four- and six-inch service connections.
(G) Gravel for pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone. Gravel for pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone shall be crushed rock or pea gravel as follows.
Pipe Size | Gravel |
4” to 18” | 3/4” minus |
Over 18” | 1-1/2” minus |
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
If the existing material in the bottom of the trench is unsuitable for supporting the pipe, the unsatisfactory material shall be removed and the trench bottom stabilized to the satisfaction of the engineer with one and one-half inch crushed rock.
(A) General. Workmanship for sewer construction shall conform to the highest standards of the trades performing the work. All pipe shall be laid in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
(B) Excavation of sewer trenches. Excavation for sewer trenches shall be of sufficient width and depth to properly install and inspect the sewer pipe; in no case shall the overall trench width be less than the outside pipe diameter plus 18 inches.
(C) Main, lateral, and service connection pipe.
(1) Pipe and service connection pipe shall be laid on a compacted gravel base four inches or greater in depth. When solid rock occurs in the bottom of the trench, the depth of the base shall be increased two inches.
(2) Bell holes shall be dug at each joint to permit proper assembly and inspection of the joint.
Ample means shall be provided and maintained to dispose of any water entering the trench during the pipe-laying operation. No pipe shall be laid in water.
(3) Line and grade shall be maintained as shown on the plans or as established by the engineer. Variations more than one-half inch for line and one-fourth inch for grade will not be permitted.
(4) Where pipe is connected to manholes or concrete structures, the connection shall be such that a standard pipe joint is located not more than one and one-half feet from the nearest outside edge of the structure for non-reinforced concrete, clay, and asbestos-cement pipe.
(5) Unless otherwise approved by the secretary, backfill the pipe zone with gravel as specified under § 52.097(G) of this subchapter. The pipe zone is considered to include the full width of the excavated trench from the top of the gravel base to a point ten inches above outside surface of the barrel of the pipe as shown on the pipe zone backfill detail in the standard details on file in the city office.
(6) Particular attention must be given to the area of the pipe zone from the top of the gravel base to the center line of the pipe to insure that firm support is obtained to prevent any lateral movement of the pipe during the final backfilling of the pipe zone.
(D) Service connection tees. Install service connection tees as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office and provide a compacted gravel base under each tee.
(E) Service connection markers. Install service connection markers as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office.
(F) Manholes. Construct manholes in accordance with the standard manhole details in the standard details on file in the city office. Provide a minimum of six inches compacted gravel under the manhole base. Manhole extension rings, not exceeding 12 inches in height, shall be used in all streets to bring the manhole frame and cover to the proper elevation for the final street surfacing.
(G) Cleanouts. Construct service connection cleanouts as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office. Cleanouts on main or lateral sewers shall not be permitted unless approved by the secretary.
(H) Backfill and surfacing replacement. Trench backfill above the pipe zone and surfacing replacement within public rights-of-way that are presently, or at any time in the future may come, under the jurisdiction of the city, the county, or the state shall conform in all respects to requirements of appropriate agencies.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975) Penalty, see § 52.999
An internal hydrostatic or air pressure test shall be made of every section of sewer, including service connections, after the completion of the final trench backfill as follows.
(A) Hydrostatic testing. All pipe and joints in the system shall sustain a maximum leakage limit of 0.3 gallon per hour (gph) per inch diameter per 100 feet when field tested by exfiltration methods. The hydrostatic head for test purposes shall exceed the maximum estimated groundwater level in the section being tested by at least 12 inches, and in no case shall be less than 24 inches above the inside top of the highest section of pipe in the test sections, including service connections. In every case, the height of the water table at the time of the test shall be determined by exploratory holes or such other methods as approved. The length of pipe tested hydrostatically shall be limited so that the pressure on the invert of the lower end of the section shall not exceed 16 feet of water column. The section of pipe to be tested may be filled 24 hours prior to time of hydrostatic testing, if desired, to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls to take place.
(3) All service connection footage included in the test section and subjected to the minimum head specified shall be taken into account in computing allowable leakage. An allowance of 0.2 gph per foot of head above invert shall be made for each manhole included in a test section.
(B) Air testing.
(1) Pipe and joints being air-tested shall be considered acceptable when tested at an average pressure of 3.0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any groundwater that may submerge the pipe, when the total rate of air loss from the section being tested does not exceed 2.0 cubic feet per minute; or the section of line does not lose air at a rate greater than 0.0030 cubic foot per minute per square foot of internal pipe surface.
(2) The pipe and joints shall also be considered as acceptable when the time required in seconds for the pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any groundwater that may submerge the pipe is not less than that computed in accordance with the recommended procedure for conducting acceptance test in the standard details on file in the city office.
(C) Manholes.
(1) A random sample of manholes selected by the secretary up to 10% of the total project number, but in no case less than 5%, shall be tested by hydrostatic methods. Leakage in each manhole shall not exceed that specified for hydrostatic testing.
(2) If more than 50% of the manholes tested fail the hydrostatic test, the contractor shall be required to test all or as many manholes as the secretary may deem necessary. All manholes that do not meet the requirements of the test, or are unsatisfactory from visual inspection, shall be repaired to conform to the requirements herein.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
These standards have been adopted for the purpose of controlling the quality of materials and workmanship used in the construction of building sewers and service connections with the city. No deviations from these standards shall be made without written approval of the City Supervisor.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975; Ord. 216, passed 4-11-1995)
(A) Building sewer pipe.
(1) The building sewer and service connection pipe may be constructed of one of the following materials:
(a) Concrete conforming to ASTM C14, Class 2, with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM 443, except the pipe shall have a minimum one-inch thick wall;
(b) Cast iron soil pipe conforming to commercial standard 188 with leaded and caulked joints or approved rubber-gasketed joints;
(c) Asbestos-cement conforming to ASTM C644 with joints conforming to ASTM D1869. Class 2400 shall be used in all trenches deeper than ten feet. Class 1500 may be used in trenches of lesser depth;
(d) Clay conforming to ASTM C200 with joints conforming to ASTM 425;
(e) PVC conforming to ASTM D3034 and D3033; and
(f) Other pipe meeting standards approved by the Department of Commerce, Building Codes Division.
(2) The minimum size of any building sewer or service connection pipe shall be determined on the basis of the standards set forth by the Department of Commerce, Building Codes Division.
(B) Pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone. Material for pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone shall be suitable granular material subject to inspection. Sand may be used in ditches where there is no groundwater.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975; Ord. 216, passed 4-11-1995)
(A) Size and slope. The size and slope of the building sewer and service connection shall be subject to the approval of the secretary, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four inches. The slope of such four-inch pipe shall not be less than one-fourth inch per foot, unless otherwise approved by the secretary and in no case will slopes less than one-eighth inch per foot be approved.
(B) Excavation and backfill.
(1) All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer and service connection shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the secretary. No backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the Secretary. Minimum cover shall be 1/16” above the top of the pipe unless otherwise approved by the secretary.
(2) All excavations for building sewer and service connection installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the secretary.
(C) Building sewer inspection.
(1) Building sewer pipe shall be installed in accordance with ASTM C12 and the recommendations of the manufacturer. The joints shall be water-tight. The pipe shall be laid at a uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible. Changes in direction shall be made with no greater than 45-degree radius bends. All pipe shall be laid on a minimum four-inch pipe base placed for the full width of the trench. Backfill around the pipe to a point six inches above and for the full width of the trench shall be the same material, hand-placed, and tamped.
(2) Building sewer connections shall be made on the building side of the existing septic tanks. When connecting cast iron soil pipe or PVC pipe to asbestos-cement, clay, or concrete pipe, a special approved adaptor shall be used. An approved adaptor shall also be used when connecting the building sewer to the service connection.
(D) Testing fitting. A tee or wye fitting shall be the first fitting at the junction of the building drain and the building sewer. The fitting shall be of the same material as the service connection pipe and shall be furnished by the owner. A riser of the same material as the service connection pipe shall extend to finished ground surface and shall be sealed with an approved cap or plug. This riser shall be used for inserting a test plug for water testing the building sewer and as an auxiliary cleanout. Backfilling around the riser shall be done in such a manner so as not to damage the pipe and provide firm support for the riser.
(E) Building sewer and service connection inspection and testing.
(1) The applicant for building sewer and service connection permit shall notify the city when the building sewer and service connection has been laid, connected to the service connection, but not backfilled or connected to the building drain. After inspection and approval by the secretary, the building sewer and service connection trench shall be backfilled except at the point of connection to the building drain. The building sewer and service connection shall be constructed so they are gas- and water-tight. Any sanitary building sewer, in which water infiltration or exfiltration is evident, shall be reconstructed or repaired so that they are gas- and water-tight.
(2) Any sewer which is tested, either before or after the backfill is completed, and found by such test to be defective, shall be repaired and re-tested to assure that the said sewer is gas- and water-tight. If, for cause, an inspector has reason to believe that a building sewer and service connection does not conform to the requirements of these rules, he or she may require that said sewer be tested according to the provisions of this section and that all leaks be repaired.
(3) Building sewer and service connection installations or pipe which is made for gravity flow sewers shall be capable of withstanding a pressure test consisting of water under static pressure with at least eight-foot average head of water applied internally to all parts of the sewer being tested; or compressed air with at least three and one-half pounds per square inch gauge pressure applied inside all parts of the sewer being tested and held for at least three minutes after the pressure in the sewer has been stabilized and the source of air pressure disconnected; or other effective test which is in accordance with good engineering practice and accepted by the Department of Commerce, Building Codes Division.
(4) After the building sewer and service connection has successfully passed inspection, or if deemed necessary by the secretary, has successfully passed the sewer pressure test, the city will authorize connection of the building sewer in an approved manner to the building drain.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975; Ord. 216, passed 4-11-1995)