If the existing material in the bottom of the trench is unsuitable for supporting the pipe, the unsatisfactory material shall be removed and the trench bottom stabilized to the satisfaction of the engineer with one and one-half inch crushed rock.
   (A)   General. Workmanship for sewer construction shall conform to the highest standards of the trades performing the work. All pipe shall be laid in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
   (B)   Excavation of sewer trenches. Excavation for sewer trenches shall be of sufficient width and depth to properly install and inspect the sewer pipe; in no case shall the overall trench width be less than the outside pipe diameter plus 18 inches.
   (C)   Main, lateral, and service connection pipe.
      (1)   Pipe and service connection pipe shall be laid on a compacted gravel base four inches or greater in depth. When solid rock occurs in the bottom of the trench, the depth of the base shall be increased two inches.
      (2)   Bell holes shall be dug at each joint to permit proper assembly and inspection of the joint.
Ample means shall be provided and maintained to dispose of any water entering the trench during the pipe-laying operation. No pipe shall be laid in water.
      (3)   Line and grade shall be maintained as shown on the plans or as established by the engineer. Variations more than one-half inch for line and one-fourth inch for grade will not be permitted.
      (4)   Where pipe is connected to manholes or concrete structures, the connection shall be such that a standard pipe joint is located not more than one and one-half feet from the nearest outside edge of the structure for non-reinforced concrete, clay, and asbestos-cement pipe.
      (5)   Unless otherwise approved by the secretary, backfill the pipe zone with gravel as specified under § 52.097(G) of this subchapter. The pipe zone is considered to include the full width of the excavated trench from the top of the gravel base to a point ten inches above outside surface of the barrel of the pipe as shown on the pipe zone backfill detail in the standard details on file in the city office.
      (6)   Particular attention must be given to the area of the pipe zone from the top of the gravel base to the center line of the pipe to insure that firm support is obtained to prevent any lateral movement of the pipe during the final backfilling of the pipe zone.
   (D)   Service connection tees. Install service connection tees as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office and provide a compacted gravel base under each tee.
   (E)   Service connection markers. Install service connection markers as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office.
   (F)   Manholes. Construct manholes in accordance with the standard manhole details in the standard details on file in the city office. Provide a minimum of six inches compacted gravel under the manhole base. Manhole extension rings, not exceeding 12 inches in height, shall be used in all streets to bring the manhole frame and cover to the proper elevation for the final street surfacing.
   (G)   Cleanouts. Construct service connection cleanouts as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office. Cleanouts on main or lateral sewers shall not be permitted unless approved by the secretary.
   (H)   Backfill and surfacing replacement. Trench backfill above the pipe zone and surfacing replacement within public rights-of-way that are presently, or at any time in the future may come, under the jurisdiction of the city, the county, or the state shall conform in all respects to requirements of appropriate agencies.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975) Penalty, see § 52.999