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172.01 Purpose
172.05 Parking for People With Disabilities
172.02 General Applications
172.06 Off-Street Parking Design Standards
172.03 Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements
172.07 Off-Street Loading
172.04 Residential Front Lot Parking
172.08 Stacking Requirements for Drive-Through Services
172.01 PURPOSE.
   The Off-Street Parking Regulations require that developments provide parking in proportion to the need created by each use. The regulations further establish standards for the functional design of parking facilities. These regulations are intended to accommodate vehicles in a functionally satisfactory manner and to minimize external effects on neighboring properties.
      1.   Applicability. Off-street parking shall be provided for any new building constructed; for new uses or conversions of existing buildings; or for enlargements of existing structures.
      2.   Exemptions. Any use within the CBD Downtown Denison District is exempt from the off-street parking requirements. Any off-street parking facility constructed in the CBD District after the effective date of this ordinance must comply with the design standards set forth in this chapter.
   Parking facilities for each use shall be provided in accord with the minimum requirements set forth in Table 172.1.
      1.   Computation.
         A.   When a computation of required parking results in a fraction of 0.5 or greater, the requirement shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Any parking computation for any use other than single-family residential and requiring such a calculation shall have a minimum requirement of three parking stalls
         B.   Unless otherwise indicated, parking requirements are based on gross floor area.
         C.   When parking requirements are computed on the basis of capacity, capacity shall be determined by the building code or other official determinations of occupancy in effect for the City at the time the use is established.
         D.   Tandem parking spaces shall not be permitted except for single-family residences, mobile homes, or parking facilities when an attendant is on duty during the hours when the facility is being used.
Table 172.1 - Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
Agricultural Use Types
1 space per 1,000 square feet of sales area.
Crop/Animal Production
No requirement.
Residential Use Types
Single-Family Residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit.
Duplex Residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit.
Multi-Family Residential
1.5 spaces per efficiency or 1-BR unit; 2 spaces per 2-BR unit; 2.5 spaces for 3 or more BR unit
Downtown Residential
No requirement
Group Residential or Boarding House
1 space for each resident.
Mobile Home Residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit.
Retirement Residence
1.5 space per independent living unit; 0.5 spaces per assisted living unit;
Civic Use Types
1 space for 300 square feet of gross floor area.
No requirement.
1 space per 4-person capacity in largest assembly area.
1 space per three full-time students.
Convalescent Services
1 space for 4 beds.
Cultural Services
1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Day Care Services
1 space per 5 person capacity + 1 space per employee of largest shift.
Group Care Facility
1 space per 4 person capacity + 1 space per employee of largest shift.
Group Home
1 space per 4 person capacity + 1 space per employee of largest shift.
Guidance Services
1 space per 300 square feet.
Health Care
1 space per 300 square feet + 1 space per employee of largest shift.
1 space per 2 beds + 1 space per employee of the largest shift.
Maintenance Facilities
See Schedule A.
Parks and Recreation
Established by an approved site master plan.
Postal Facilities
See Schedule A.
Primary Education
1 space per employee of largest shift + 10 stalls for visitors.
Public Assembly
1 space per 4 person capacity.
Religious Assembly
1 space per 4 person capacity in largest assembly area.
Safety Services
1 space per employee of maximum shift + 1 stall per 1,000 sq. ft.
Secondary Education
1 space per employee of max shift + 1 space for each 3 11th and 12th grade students.
1 space per employee of maximum shift
Table 172.1 - Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
Commercial Use Types
Agricultural Sales/Service
See Schedule A.
Auto and Equipment Rental and Sales, Equipment Repair
See Schedule A.
Auto Service *
4 times service capacity.
Bed and Breakfast
1 space per rentable bedroom (see Section 28.5 d.)
Body Repair *
5 spaces per repair stall.
Business Support Services
1 space per 500 square feet.
1 space per camping unit.
Cocktail Lounge
1 space per 50 square feet of customer service area.
Commercial Recreation
1 space per 4 person capacity. For bowling alleys, 4 spaces per lane.
Communication Services
1 space per 500 square feet.
Construction Sales
See Schedule A.
Consumer Services
1 space per 200 square feet.
Convenience Storage
1 space per 20 storage units.
Equipment Sales/Service
See Schedule A.
Food Sales (All Types)
1 space per 200 square feet.
Funeral Service
1 space per 5 seats in principal auditorium.
General Retail Services
1 space per 200 square feet.
Liquor Sales
1 space per 200 square feet.
Lodging, Bed and Breakfast
1 space per unit.
Personal Improvement
1 space per 200 square feet.
Personal Services
1 space per 250 square feet.
Pet Services
1 space per 500 square feet.
Restaurants (Drive-in)
1 space per 50 square feet of customer service area.
Restaurants (General)
1 space per 3 person capacity in dining area.
1 space per employee + 1 stall per 5,000 sq. ft. of site area.
Surplus Sales
See Schedule A.
Trade Services
1 space per 500 square feet.
Travel Centers
1 space per 200 square feet in building + 1 space for each fueling station
Veterinary Services
1 space per 500 square feet.
Truck Stop
1 space per 200 square feet in building + 1 space for each fueling station
* Auto Service and Body Repair subject to other restrictions applicable under this ordinance.
Table 172.1 - Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
Office Use Types
Corporate Offices
1 space per 250 square feet.
General Offices
1 space per 250 square feet.
Financial Services
1 space per 250 square feet.
Medical Offices
Greater of 1 space per 250 square feet, or 5 spaces per staff doctor or dentist on duty.
Miscellaneous Use Types
Broadcasting Tower
See Schedule A.
Non-Putrescible Landfill
See Schedule A.
All Landfills
See Schedule A.
Industrial Use Types
Agricultural Industries
See Schedule A.
Light Industry
See Schedule A.
General Industry
See Schedule A.
Heavy Industry
See Schedule A.
Railroad Facilities
See Schedule A.
Resource Extraction
1 space per employee on largest shift.
Salvage Services
See Schedule A.
Construction Yards
See Schedule A.
See Schedule A.
Schedule A
This schedule sets forth minimum off-street parking requirements for uses with elements that have different functions and operating characteristics
Function of Element
Office or Administration
1 space per 300 square feet.
Indoor Sales, Display or Service Area
1 space per 500 square feet.
Outdoor Sales, Display or Service Area
1 space per 2,000 square feet.
Equipment Servicing or Manufacturing
1 space per 1,000 square feet.
Indoor or Outdoor Storage or Warehousing
1 space per 5,000 square feet.
      1.   Front Yard Parking. Parking in front yards shall be subject to the following:
         A.   Parking is prohibited within the setback between the street and the residence except on a single drive constructed in accordance with the requirements of subsection E below.
         B.   In cases where the side or rear setback area is accessible via an alley, no front yard driveway shall be permitted other than leading directly to a garage. If the side or rear setback area is accessible via an alley, the required parking area shall directly access the alley.
         C.   (Repealed by Ord. 1379 - Nov. 10 Supp.)
         D.   On corner lots, driveways shall be located as far as possible from the intersection, but in any event not closer than 50 feet from the back of curb or 25 feet from the property line, whichever is more restrictive.
         E.   Surface.
            (1)   All parking spaces shall be constructed of a dustless, hard surface of concrete, asphalt, or comparable material.
            (2)   Stone, rock, dirt, sand, or grass shall not be permitted as surfacing for parking spaces.
            (3)   All driveway aprons adjacent to a street constructed after November 7, 2008, shall be surfaced with concrete. All existing driveway aprons enlarged or modified after that date shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete.
         F.   Maximum Grade. No driveway providing access to off-street parking shall have a grade greater than 10 percent within the public right of way.
         G.   Occupancy. All required parking areas must be completed prior to occupancy of any newly constructed structure.
         H.   Calculations of Amounts of Required and Allowed Parking.
            (1)   Required parking spaces are not allowed within the first 20 feet of the front lot line or side street lot line.
            (2)   In all R-1 zones, no parking shall be permitted in the area in front of the principal structure bounded on the left by the a line originating from the left corner of the inhabited portion of the principal structure and proceeding parallel to the principal structure to the front lot line and on the right by a line originating from the right corner of the inhabited portion of the principal structure and proceeding parallel to the principal structure to the front lot line. Provided, however, every lot shall be permitted a parking space accommodating two vehicles not to exceed a total of 400 square feet.
            (3)   These restrictions shall not apply to schools, parks, churches or other nonresidential properties owned by government subdivisions located in R-1 zones.
            (4)   Temporary Parking.
               a.   Contractor and other commercial vehicles may be temporarily parked on a non-paved surface provided that the vehicle is being used in connection with construction, maintenance or similar work at the residence.
               b.   Temporary parking cannot exceed 24 hours.
      2.   Sidewalks. No vehicle shall be parked so as to encroach on or block a sidewalk.
      3.   Non-residential Parking. Off-street parking for non-residential uses shall be located on the same lot or site as the use, or within 300 feet of that use if the parking site is within a zoning district that permits the off-street parking use type. Control of ownership or use rights to the remote off-street parking must be demonstrated as a condition of permission.
      1.   Each off-street parking facility shall provide the number of parking spaces set forth in Table 172.2, designed and designated for use by people with disabilities. Every eighth parking space shall be van-accessible. Design criteria and dimensions shall be in accordance with Federal Register, Volume 56, No 144. Parking facilities for single-family, duplex, two-family, and mobile home residential uses are exempt from this requirement.
      2.   Spaces designated for people with disabilities shall have a minimum width of 12 feet. Each handicapped space shall provide a barrier free route to an accessible building entrance, which shall not require users to walk or wheel behind parked cars. Such spaces shall be designated with an upright sign exhibiting the universal symbol for accessibility by the handicapped. All such spaces shall be designed in compliance with the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
   Table 172.2 - Accessible Parking Requirements
Number of Stalls
Number of Required Accessible Spaces
Number of Stalls
Number of Required Accessible Spaces
2% of total
1,001 and over
20, plus 1 for each 100 stalls over 1,000
      1.   Dimensions.
         A.   Standard parking stalls shall be 9 feet wide and 18 feet long.
         B.   Where parking stalls are located adjacent to landscaped areas, the paved depth of such stalls may be decreased by two feet to provide for a vehicle overhang area. The vehicle overhang area may not encroach into a required landscaped area or public sidewalk or right-of-way.
      2.   Pavement and Drainage.
         A.   All off-street parking facilities, including approaches and maneuvering areas, shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, asphaltic concrete, or brick and shall be maintained with materials sufficient to prevent mud, dust, or loose material except as provided below:
            (1)   Sites within the AG and RR Districts are exempt from this requirement.
            (2)   In residential areas, all parking spaces and driveways used for parking shall be paved, including driveways that lead to paved parking spaces.
         B.   Off-street parking facilities shall be designed and built to prevent the free flow of water onto adjacent properties. Parking lot design which discharges water onto public right-of-way is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
      3.   Landscape and Screening Requirements. Landscape requirements for off-street parking facilities are set forth in Section 171.07.
      4.   Entrances and Exits.
         A.   Adequate access to each parking facility shall be provided by means of clearly defined and limited driveways or access points. Such driveways shall be designed to direct non-residential traffic away from residential areas.
         B.   Parking facilities other than driveways for single-family, duplex, two-family, or mobile home residential uses must permit vehicles to enter streets in a forward position.
      5.   Design and Pedestrian Access.
         A.   Parking lots providing over 200 stalls should be divided into smaller parking fields not exceeding 100 stalls to reduce the visual impact of large parking expanses. Divisions should be made with landscape strips, peninsulas, or grade changes.
         B.   Commercial or office parking lots shall be designed to separate pedestrians from vehicles to the maximum degree possible and to provide protected pedestrian paths within parking areas which lead to store, building, or shopping center entrances.
         C.   Sidewalks and walkways in commercial developments should link to the City’s sidewalk and trail system where available, and shall provide a safe pedestrian route from adjacent public sidewalks and trails.
      6.   Safety Features.
         A.   Parking facilities shall be designed to provide visibility of and between pedestrians and vehicles when circulating within or entering or leaving the facility; and shall not create blind, hidden, or hazardous areas.
         B.   Circulation patterns shall be designed in accord with accepted standards of traffic engineering and safety.
      7.   Maintenance. All parking facilities shall be maintained to assure the continued usefulness and compatibility of the facility. Acceptable maintenance includes keeping the facility free of refuse, debris, and litter; maintaining parking surfaces in sound condition; and providing proper care of landscaped areas.
      8.   Adjustment for Special Uses and Planned Mixed Use Projects.
         A.   For uses subject to a Special Use Permit approval, the Planning Commission may adjust the minimum requirements of this chapter, in order to provide design, usability, attractiveness, or protection to adjoining uses in a manner equal to or greater than the minimum requirements of this chapter.
         B.   In mixed-use projects, different uses may have complementary parking requirements. This can result in a parking requirement that is less than the sum of parking required for each use and added separately. The Planning Commission may authorize an adjustment to the total parking requirement for separate uses located as part of a common development, or for separate uses located on adjacent sites and served by common parking facilities. All parking facilities subject to the mixed-use adjustment must be located in a common facility, equally accessible and usable to all served uses.
      1.   Loading Requirement. In any district with every building or part thereof hereafter erected, having a gross floor area of ten thousand square feet or more, which is to be occupied by manufacturing, storage, warehouse, goods display, retail store, wholesale store, market, hotel, hospital, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning or other uses similarly requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the same lot with such building, at least one off-street loading space plus one additional such loading space for each twenty thousand square feet or major fraction thereof of gross floor area, so used, in excess of ten thousand square feet.
      2.   Design Standards.
         A.   Each loading space shall be at least 12 feet wide by 40 feet long, with a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet.
         B.   Paving of loading spaces and access areas shall be permanent, durable, and free of dust.
         C.   Off-street loading areas are subject to the landscaping and buffering requirements for parking facilities set forth in this chapter.
      1.   Commercial establishments providing drive-in or drive-through services shall provide minimum on-site stacking distance as provided by Table 172.3.
   Table 172.3 - Off-Street Stacking Requirements
Type of Operation
Minimum Stacking Space
Type of Operation
Minimum Stacking Space
Financial Services with Drive-Up Tellers
4 vehicles per window or kiosk
Financial Services with Drive-Up ATM
3 vehicles per ATM station
Self-service or automatic car wash
Entrance: 4 vehicles per bayExit: 1 vehicle per bay
Fast food restaurant*
Without menu boards: 3 vehicles in front of service windowsWith separate menu boards and service windows: 4 vehicles behind the menu board plus 4 behind the first service windows.
Photo processing, dry cleaning, or other drive-up personal services
2 vehicles per service window
Gas stations
2 vehicles per gas dispenser pump
Gated parking lot, community entrance, or overhead door
1 vehicle per gate or door on local streets.2 vehicles per gate or door on collector streets.
   Note: Minimum vehicle lane shall be 12 feet. Vehicle length = 20 feet.
   * May be increased based on Site Plan review.
      2.   All drive-through services must provide adequate alternative runaround access for vehicles not in a drive-through queue.
(Chapter 172 - Ord. 1374 – May 10 Supp.)