The collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling are declared to be benefits to the property served or eligible to be served. Fees and charges for the collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling (whether such services are actually used or are available for use) are as follows
   1.   The sum of $16.00 per month per household for a 35-gallon container;
   2.   The sum of $17.00 per month per household for a 65-gallon container;
   3.   The sum of $18.00 per month per household for a 96-gallon container;
   4.   The sum of $18.00 per month per household for each additional 96-gallon container;
   5.   All other electric meters – $5.00 per month.
Households may be eligible for a temporary reduction of fees if the household is vacant for a period of up to three months per calendar year, provided that the water utility is disconnected for such time by Denison Municipal Utilities. The water utility must be disconnected for a period of at least thirty days in order to be eligible for the reduction. In the event a household qualifies for a temporary reduction in fees, they shall be assessed $5.00 per month for any size container during the reduction period. Households must be approved by the enforcement officer in order to be eligible.
(Ord. 1558 – Oct. 23 Supp.)