It is unlawful to break, injure, mar or deface, interfere with or disturb any building, machinery, apparatus, fixtures, attachments or appurtenances of the waterworks, or any hydrant, curb stop and box, meter, water supply or service pipe or any part thereof, or deposit anything in any curb stop and box, or commit any act tending to obstruct or impair the intended use of any of the above mentioned property, without permission of DMU or Fire Chief or excepting cases herein or otherwise provided by ordinance.
It is unlawful for any person authorized to open hydrants to delegate his or her authority to another, or to let or suffer another person to take wrenches or tools furnished to such authorized person, or suffer the same to be taken from any fire station or fire apparatus except for the purposes strictly connected with the Fire Department.
The following rules and regulations for the government of water users, licensed plumbers, and others are hereby adopted and established.
1. No person shall connect water pipes to any main or part of the water system in the City of Denison, Iowa. Any person desiring such connection shall make application therefor to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Denison Municipal Utilities and the City Council upon such form as may be prescribed by said Board and City Council and provided for that purpose and pay the charges therefor as fixed by said Board and City Council. The application must state fully and truly all the uses to which the water is to be applied and no different or additional uses will be allowed, except by written permission issued by the Board of Trustees of the Denison Municipal Utilities upon proper application being made therefor. Not more than one house or premises shall be supplied from one tap. Cross-connections are prohibited.
2. Each applicant for a water connection to the main shall pay the cost of such connection to the Denison Municipal Utilities. When such connection is made the Denison Municipal Utilities will furnish a water meter to use at such connection without further charge for rental of said meter. Said meter shall, however, remain the property of the Denison Municipal Utilities.
3. Upon the filing of said application and the payment of said charges, the tapping of said main shall be done by an authorized employee of the Denison Municipal Utilities and no person, except such employees, shall be permitted to repair any connections with the City water main.
4. Service Connections. All service connections with the City water supply from the main to and including the curb box at the lot line shall be installed by an authorized contractor, but the cost thereof shall be at the expense of the property to be served and shall be paid to the said Board before any water is furnished through said connection.
5. Excavations for Service Lines. No person shall commence any excavation or make any pavement cut for water service, sewer, or any other service within the City streets or alleys until the permit herein referred to is granted by the Building Inspector, and such excavation shall be under the supervision of Building Inspector. No person shall back-fill any service ditch in any street or alley except under the supervision of the Building Inspector.
6. All bills must be paid promptly when due, and the municipality will hold the owner of the property responsible for all water rents and will look only to them for the same, should any tenant or occupant fail to pay the same when due. All officials of the waterworks department and of the City are positively prohibited from allowing credit to anyone.
7. Water will not be turned on in any house or private service except by order of DMU.
This rule shall not be construed to prohibit plumbers from turning water into any pipes to test the same for that purpose only.
8. All persons using water shall keep the hydrants, taps, hose, water closets, urinals, bath or other fixtures allotted to their use, closed, except when obtaining water for use, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury that may result to others from the improper use of water.
9. All house boilers shall be constructed with a vacuum valve at the top of the inlet pipe, and be sufficiently strong to bear the pressure of the atmosphere when under a vacuum. The curb stop and box and other appurtenances must be sufficiently strong to bear the pressure and ram of the water in the mains and pressure of at least 125 pounds to the square inch.
10. All persons taking water shall keep their own service pipe, curb stop and box, and apparatus in good repair and protected from frost at their own risk and expense, and shall prevent all unnecessary waste of water, and it is expressly stipulated that no claim be made against it by reason of the breaking of any service pipe or service cock, or if for any cause the supply of water should fail or from damage arising from shutting off the water to repair mains, making connections or extensions, or for any other purpose that may be deemed necessary, and the right is hereby reserved to cut off the supply of water at any time, any permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding.
11. All water service pipes shall conform to the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code.
12. Every service pipe must be sufficiently waving and laid in such a manner as to prevent rupture by settlement, as provided in the Uniform Plumbing Code.
13. Mains must be tapped on the top and not in any case within 18 inches of the hub.
14. All service pipes must be laid a minimum of five feet deep from the top of the soil.
15. Curb stops shall be placed in every service pipe at the outer sidewalk line and protected by a curb stop box of a pattern approved by the Council, reaching from the curb stop to the surface of the ground, of a suitable size to admit a stop key for turning on and off the curb stop and with a heavy metal cover, having the letter “W” marked thereon, visible and even with the pavement or ground. There shall be separate curb stops for each individually owned property.
16. There shall be a full opening shut off valve, of a pattern and weight approved by the Uniform Plumbing Code, attached to every service pipe at a point where it enters the building, inside the same, easily accessible, and so situated that the water can be shut off and drained.
17. Service pipes must be thoroughly flushed before a meter is attached. All meters with a horn or loop shall be installed in a vertical position. Meters without a horn or loop shall be installed in a horizontal position.
18. In making excavations in streets or highways for the laying of service pipes or making repairs, the excavated material shall be deposited in such a manner as to occasion the least inconvenience to the public and provide for the passage of water along the gutter. No excavation shall extend completely across any street at one time entirely blocking traffic thereon unless by written permit from the Building Inspector. All excavations shall have proper barricades erected and warning lights maintained thereon.
19. After the service pipes are laid, in refilling the excavation, the earth must be laid in layers and each layer thoroughly tamped and packed to prevent settlement, and this work, together with the replacement of the sidewalk, ballast and paving, must be done so as to make the street at least as good as it was before the excavation was made to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
20. No hydrant or fountain, except public drinking fountains, shall be placed within the limits of any street unless the hydrant or drinking fountain are securely closed and protected against general use. And no drinking fountain shall be erected for public use, which has openings by which it can be used as a source of domestic supply.
21. Water service may be disconnected upon notice to DMU whenever the premises is to be unoccupied and may be reconnected upon notice of occupation.
Meters shall be installed as per Section 90.07(2) of this chapter.
1. Disconnection. The owner of real estate to which water service is being given by the City of Denison, Iowa, shall upon the vacation and abandonment of said real estate notify the Denison Municipal Utilities of said vacation. It is the property owner’s responsibility to disconnect. An approved contractor shall disconnect all water service to said real estate five feet from the property line unless the service line is lead or galvanized pipe, in which case the line is disconnected at the main. Such cost for said service shall be borne by the property owner.
2. Inclusions. Vacation or abandonment of real estate shall not include temporary vacation of houses, stores, or buildings but shall apply in all instances where buildings are being torn down and the land cleared and in all instances where the buildings on the real estate are permanently vacated.