(A) Definitions. An accessory building is a building located on the same lot as the main building. An accessory building or structure may be a part of the main building or detached from the main building. An accessory use is a use located on the same lot as the main use and incidental to the main use of the lot.
(B) Uses. The uses permitted in the various zoning districts are principal uses, and a building or use that is accessory to a permitted use is allowable in connection with such a use, provided it shall meet the requirements of this section.
(C) General regulations for accessory buildings and uses.
(1) An accessory building or use must be compatible in character and extent with the principal use and district where located.
(2) No accessory building shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the main building has commenced, and no accessory building shall be used unless the main building on the lot is also being used. However, nothing shall prevent the use of a temporary construction shed for the storage of tools, material and equipment by a contractor during building construction.
(3) No accessory building may be erected in front of a main building unless the accessory building is attached to the main building by a common wall. Such an accessory building shall be provided the required front yard in accordance with § 157.19(B) of this chapter.
(4) Accessory buildings may not be used for dwelling purposes.
(5) All accessory uses and accessory buildings must conform with such other regulations as apply.
(D) District specifications. Accessory buildings and uses are permitted when in accordance with the following:
(1) In the RU, RC, RS and RD Districts, accessory buildings and uses are limited to:
(a) A noncommercial greenhouse that does not exceed in floor area 25% of the ground area of the main building;
(b) A private residential garage constructed for the housing of noncommercial passenger automobiles;
(c) For restrictions on home occupations, § 157.36 of this chapter;
(d) Vegetable or flower gardens;
(e) Tennis court, swimming pool, garden house, barbecue oven, fireplace, and similar uses customarily accessory to residential uses; and
(f) Parking areas conforming with requirements of § 157.37 of this chapter.
(2) In the business (B) and industrial districts, parking lots and garages are permitted in conformance with the requirements of § 157.37 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 2-5-1979; Ord. passed - -2005) Penalty, see § 157.99