181.01 PURPOSES.
   There is hereby levied a tax on income, salaries, qualifying wages, commissions and other compensation and on net profits, as provided in this chapter, for the following purposes:
   (a)   To provide funds for the purposes of general Municipal operation, replacement of equipment and the extension, enlargement and improvement of Municipal services and facilities for the City: one-half percent (0.5%);
   (b)   To provide funds for the purpose of making capital improvements, improving streets, storm sewers and present recreational facilities, general Municipal improvement of Municipal services and facilities for the City: one-half percent (0.5%);
   (c)   To provide funds for the purpose of making capital improvements only: three-tenths percent (0.3%);
   (d)   Effective June 1, 2005, to provide funds for the purpose of operation of all departments and divisions supported through the General Fund: two-tenths percent (0.2%).
(Ord. 7087. Passed 11-10-09.)