(a) Notwithstanding any provision fo Section 151.02 or 151.03 of this chapter, the City Administrator is authorized to award contracts to supply Copper Sulfate, Fluorosilicic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Lime Polymer AS-8750, Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Liquid Chlorine, Liquid Ferric Chloride, Liquid Polyphosphate, Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid Sodium Permanganate, Liquid Sulfur Dioxide, PAK-27 Algaecide, Pebble Quick Lime, Powdered Activated Carbon, and Sodium Aluminate in such concentrations and formulations as are recommended by the Superintendent of the Water Division and Superintendent of the Water Pollution Control Division and in such quantities as are deemed by the City Administrator to be adequate to assure uninterrupted operation of the Water Treatment Works and Wastewater Treatment Works.
(b) Contracts awarded pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be for terms of not longer than one year and shall be awarded to the supplier submitting the lowest responsive and responsible price proposal as determined by the Board of Control. Formal bids shall be solicited only for contracts reasonably anticipated to require an expenditure of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Approval of all chemical supply contracts involving the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall be documented in the minutes of the Board of Control and conform to the requirements of Codified Ordinance 151.03(b).
(Ord. 7481. Passed 2-12-13.)