(a)   Purpose. The purpose of these site and architectural design requirements is to define the criteria for the site and architectural design of qualifying projects under this Chapter that will achieve long term quality and support the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
   (b)    Design Requirement Applicability.
      (1)   The construction of a new primary building or the qualified expansion of an existing primary building as set forth under Chapter 1139, within the Mixed Use Business Zoning District shall conform to the applicable site and architectural design requirements set forth in this Chapter.
      (2)   Any new or expanded accessory building or structure shall be in compliance with the applicable architectural and site design requirements set forth in this Chapter.
      (3)   Any proposed facade or structural improvements to an existing building shall be in compliance with the applicable architectural and site design requirements set forth in this Chapter. Building facade improvements shall include re-painting or other proposed aesthetic improvements.
   (c)   Architectural Design Requirements. The design or improvement or qualifying structures including new or modified site improvements, shall take into account a uniform architectural style, general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of other structures and premises within the Mixed Use Business District. Traditional architectural design shall be utilized in this zoning district.
      (1)   Building Entrance. The main entrance of the structure shall be oriented toward the street on which the structure fronts. If the site is on a corner lot, the buildings' main entrance should front the corner as the preferred building orientation. An alternative preferred building orientation may have its main entrance oriented to either street and in no case shall the main public entrance open directly onto a parking lot. No overhead doors are permitted facing a street.
      (2)    Building Facade Design. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve the design, materials and color selection for all new principal and accessory structures constructed, all new qualifying expansions and all proposed building facade improvement projects undertaken in the MUB zoning district consistent with these guidelines during the site plan review stage. All primary buildings that face a street shall conform to the following design criteria:
         A.   Windows. All building facades visible from the street shall have windows with transparent, non-reflective glass, with the following requirements:
            (i)    First floor: minimum sixty percent (60%) facade, seventy percent (70%) maximum.
            (ii)    Second floor and above: minimum twenty percent (20%) of facade, sixty percent (60%) maximum.
            (iii)    Butt-joint glazing is prohibited.
            (iv)    Windows on the first floor shall be a minimum of two (2) feet above the finished floor level.
            (v)    Clear glass is preferred on the first floor. Thermal or low-E glass units may be permitted only if the reflective or tinted coating does not substantially hinder public view of the interior space from the sidewalk or roadway.
         B.   Doors. All doors in a glass storefront shall match the glass storefront. The use of solid wood or solid metal doors in a glass storefront is prohibited.
      (3)    Exterior Building Materials. The permitted exterior building material for the Mixed Use Business District shall be brick, natural stone, cultured stone, wood, or concrete siding products designed to substantially imitate the look of traditional wood siding. Vinyl or aluminum siding products are permitted and shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of any building face. Other masonry products may be permitted if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. These exterior materials shall be used as the predominant exterior building materials for all new construction, reconstruction, renovations, and additions. Foundation material may be plain concrete or plain concrete block when the foundation material does not extend more than three (3) feet above grade. Cement-based finishes, cement plaster, and Exterior Insulation Finish System (E.I.F.S.) may be permitted as a secondary exterior building material only if used a minimum of ten (10) feet above grade, where they will be less susceptible to damage. The selection of exterior building materials shall contribute to the traditional design and character of the building.
      (4)    Architectural Guidelines. The architectural style desired for the Mixed Use Business District shall be set forth in the Deer Park Comprehensive Plan. Every effort should be made to incorporate key architectural elements of those desired styles into the design of the proposed building or facade improvement. Key architectural building elements of the desired styles include, but are not limited to, the following:
         A.   Flat roofs should be prohibited unless the roof is intended to support an ancillary use including, but limited to: a rooftop bar or dining area, rooftop amenities for the building occupants such as an outdoor lounge space, gardening area and other similar uses or accessory structures. Placing building mechanical equipment on a flat roof as the only use or structure of the roof shall not be permitted. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall either approve or deny the construction of a new flat roof on a case-by-case basis.
         B.   Roofs shall provide substantial architectural detail intended to break up the roof line, otherwise a minimum 6/12 pitch roof shall be required.
         C.   The use of simple, vertical lines in building design.
         D.   All gable roofs shall maintain a minimum twelve (12) inch eave overhang.
      (5)    Side or Rear Facade Design. Wherever a side or rear facade is visible from a public street, or if parking is located at the side or rear of a building, the facade shall be designed to create a pleasing appearance, in accordance with the following design criteria:
         A.   Materials and architectural features similar to those present on the front of the building shall be used on the side or rear facade.
         B.   Open areas shall be landscaped with lawn, ground cover, ornamental shrubs, and trees, provided that sufficient light penetrates into the space.
      (6)    Awnings. Awnings shall be permitted on buildings as follows:
         A.   All awnings must be made from a heavy duty canvass fabric or similar water-proof material, rather than metal, aluminum, plastic, or rigid fiberglass and must carry a minimum five (5) year manufacturers warranty. However, awnings that are a permanent part of the building architecture may be constructed of metal, wood, or other traditional building materials where they will add diversity and interest to the facade, and only if the design and materials are consistent with the overall design of the building.
         B.   All awnings shall be attached directly to the building, rather than supported by columns or poles.
      (7)   Color. A limited number of colors shall be utilized on a single structure. Only muted, natural tone or earth tone colors shall be utilized for any applicable structure reviewed under this chapter. Painting elements such as windows, trim and cornices in white, grey or black may be permitted to complement the main building color and is encouraged.
   (d)   Site Design Requirements. The following site design requirements shall apply to all new construction and qualifying expansion projects in the MUB Zoning District.
      (1)   Active Open Space. All new construction and qualifying expansion projects containing a residential land use component in this MUB zoning district shall provide for a minimum of five percent (5%) of active open space on the development site.
         A.   The open space standards set forth in Section 1135.08(d) through (h) shall apply.
      (2)   Public Art. All new construction and qualifying expansion projects in this MUB Zoning District having a minimum project site size of one acre shall provide a public art piece viewable from the public right-of-way. The Applicant shall collaborate with the City Manager on the design and location of the public art piece. The City Manager must approve of the design and location of the proposed public art piece prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project.
      (3)   Outdoor Dining Area Setback. All new construction projects in the MUB zoning district shall provide for a minimum eight (8) feet front yard setback for the reservation of outdoor dining space.
         (Ord. 2023-06. Passed 5-1-23.)