Sec. 23-25. Regulations:
   (a)   Except as otherwise provided herein, it shall be unlawful for any person to install, construct, alter, modify, or operate an air conditioning unit or an air conditioning system as herewith defined without first conforming to the following regulations:
      (1)   Application: Prior to the installation or construction of any such air conditioning unit or air conditioning system an application shall be filed with a permit obtained from the director of building and zoning. The application shall be signed by the owner or lessee of the building in which such air conditioning unit is to be installed, or constructed, and shall state the location of the building, the name, type and rated capacity in tons of the unit, or if there is no rated capacity, then the horsepower of the compressor motor, the source of water required for the unit and the method of disposing of the discharge water.
      (2)   Additional Application Information: The owner or lessee of the building must file an application with and obtain a permit from the director of building and zoning prior to making any alteration or modification of an air conditioning system which affects the tons of refrigeration of the system, the source of water supply, the rate of use of water on the disposal of the discharge water. In addition to the information required by subsection (a)(1) of this section, the application shall show date of installation of the original system and the nature of the alterations or modifications to be made.
      (3)   Limiting Water Intake: An automatic water regulating device so adjusted as to limit the intake of water from the village main into the system to not more than three-tenths (3/10) of a gallon per minute per ton of refrigeration shall be installed with each air conditioning unit for which an installation, alteration or modification permit is required. All such regulating devices shall be so located as to facilitate any inspection by the village.
      (4)   Separate Water Meter: A separate water meter may be required for any air conditioning system. All air conditioning systems of fifty (50) tons of refrigeration and over shall be separately metered. Such meters shall be purchased from and installed by the village.
      (5)   Water Conservation Device: Every air conditioning unit using water for cooling shall have a water conserving device.
      (6)   Back Siphonage: The piping for all air conditioning systems shall be equipped with suitable back siphonage to the public water supply system.
      (7)   Drainage: Where a storm sewer is available in a street adjoining premises in which an air conditioning system using water from any source is installed, or constructed, the drain for the discharge water from such system shall be connected to the storm sewer. No water from an air conditioning system using water supplied by the village or from any other source may be permitted to flow, drain, or infiltrate, in any manner, into a sanitary sewer or a septic tank. Where unusual conditions exist, special connections may be authorized by the director of building and zoning or village engineer. No drainage shall be permitted across sidewalks.
      (8)   Free Access To Premises: The director of public works, or the director of building and zoning, or their employees, shall at all reasonable hours have free access to premises using water for air conditioning purposes, to examine the equipment and to ascertain whether there is compliance with the provisions of this article. (1963 Code § 23.402)