Sec. 23-12. Repairs On Service Pipes; Notice To Repair:
   (a)   All repairs on service lines from the service shutoff valve (buffalo box) to the premises to be served and in the plumbing systems of buildings served shall be made by and at the expense of the owners of the premises served.
   (b)   If repairs are not made within ten (10) days after the written notice by the Superintendent of Public Works, or someone authorized by him directing the repairs to be made, is received by the owner or occupant of the building served by the pipes, the water supply may be shut off until the pipes are repaired.
   (c)   The Village shall maintain the street mains and lines from the mains to the service shutoff valve (buffalo box). (1963 Code § 23.203; amd. Ord. 0-73-61 § 23.203)