Sec. 21-20. Intent And Purpose:
   While allowing for reasonable improvement of land within the village, it is the stated public policy of the village to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, existing trees within the village and to add to the tree population within the village, where possible. The preservation of existing trees in the village and the planting of additional trees is intended to accomplish, where possible, the following objectives:
   (a)   To preserve trees as an important public resource enhancing the quality of life and the general welfare of the village and enhancing its unique character and physical, historical, and aesthetic environment;
   (b)   Encourage the protection of healthy trees and provide for the replacement and/or replanting of trees that are necessarily removed during construction, development or redevelopment;
   (c)   Generally protect and enhance the quality of life and the general welfare of the village and its citizens;
   (d)   To preserve and enhance the unique character, physical, historical, and aesthetic environment of the village;
   (e)   To aid in the control of storm water runoff, the stabilization of soil by the prevention of erosion and sedimentation, and the replenishment of ground water supplies;
   (f)   To enhance air quality by aiding in the removal of carbon dioxide, generation of oxygen, and filtering of air pollutants;
   (g)   To reduce noise by providing a buffer and screen from the spread of noise;
   (h)   To reduce energy consumption through the shade and windbreak effect of trees;
   (i)   To preserve and enhance the habitat and food source for birds and other wildlife;
   (j)   To protect property values;
   (k)   To prevent the clear cutting of land;
   (l)   To prevent the existence of trees which pose a threat, danger or nuisance to the public or to property in the village; and
   (m)   To prevent a monoculture of trees within the Village. (Ord. 0-05-9, 3-21-2005; amd. Ord. 0-21-10, 3-15-2021)