Sec. 14-46. Reservation Of Rights:
   (a)   The Village reserves the right to revoke the issuance of a film production permit in the event that the applicant does not meet the conditions of the permit.
   (b)   The Village reserves the right to order the cessation of film production activities in the event the Village Manager determines either that any of the terms and conditions upon which the film production permit was issued have been violated or that the operation of the film production has otherwise caused a detriment to the public health, safety and welfare.
   (c)   The Village reserves the right to inspect all structures, devices and/or film production equipment to be used in connection with the film production at any time the film production is in process.
   (d)   The Village reserves the right to assign additional police, fire and other Village personnel and/or services to the film production or film production locations, in the event the Village Manager or his designee determines that such additional personnel and/or services are warranted by the circumstances of the film production activities.
   (e)   The Village reserves the right to assign additional Village equipment to the film production or film production locations, in the event the Village Manager or his designee determines that such additional equipment is warranted by the circumstances of the film production activities.
   (f)   The Village reserves the right to designate other or additional Village locations, including but not limited to parking areas and streets, for use during the film production or at any film production locations, in the event the Village Manager or his designee, determines that such additional locations are warranted by the circumstances of the film production activities.
   (g)   The Village reserves the right to designate or assign any other or additional Village resources for use during the film production or at any film production locations, in the event the Village Manager or his designee determines that such additional Village resources are warranted by the circumstances of the film production activities.
   (h)   The Village reserves the right to impose such regulations, conditions or restrictions other than or in addition to those provided in this section as the Village, acting through its Village Board or Village Manager, may deem necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare, which regulations, conditions or restrictions shall be stated in the permit.
   (i)   The Village reserves the right to deny or postpone the issuance of a permit if issuing the permit will allow more than one film production operation in the Village on any given day. (Ord. 0-13-48, 10-21-2013)