Sec. 7-77.7. Inspection of alarm devices and businesses.
   (a)   For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Article, the Police Chief shall have the authority, at a mutually agreeable time, to enter any premises in the Village in or upon which alarm systems subject to this Article are located, to inspect the installation and/or operation of such alarm systems on official police business.
   (b)   If such inspection reveals any violations of the provisions of this Article, a written report detailing such violations shall be promptly sent to the Village Manager and to the owner, lessee or other person responsible for the alarm system in violation of this Article. Such report shall require the correction within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice of the violation discovered, and shall state that a failure to comply may result in the revocation of the alarm user's permit, in accordance with the provisions of this article relating to revocation of licenses and permits. The alarm user shall be granted a reasonable extension of time to correct such violations upon good cause shown. (Ord. 0-84-04, 2-7-1984)