Sec. 2-175. Prohibited Conflicts Of Interest:
   No officer shall engage in any business or transaction that is incompatible with the proper discharge of the officer's official duties in the public interest or that may tend to impair the officer's independence, judgment, or action in the performance of such duties.
   Except as expressly permitted by this Code, no officer, or immediate family member thereof, shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract, work, or business of the Village.
   No officer, or immediate family member thereof, shall acquire an interest, direct or indirect, in any business entity or in any subject matter at a time when the officer knows, or has reason to know or believe, that such business entity or subject matter will directly or indirectly become the subject of an official action.
   Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an officer shall not be prohibited from having or acquiring an interest in, or deriving a benefit from, any Village contract, work or business, when the interest or benefit is due to ownership by the officer, or immediate family member thereof, of less than 0.5% of a business entity which has a contract, work, or business with the Village. (Ord. 0-22-04, 1-3-2022)