Sec. 7-125. Procedural Requirements:
   (a)   Application Process: Application may be made by an eligible property owner or a business operator to the Economic Development Coordinator for a grant to support an eligible improvement pursuant to this Program. An application by a business operator must be co-signed by the property owner of the building in which the applicant business is located. Each application shall be on the form that is available from the Economic Development Coordinator. Applications shall be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, to be determined by the date of submission of a complete application. Priority shall be given to projects that exhibit a clear and substantial public benefit as determined by the Board of Trustees.
   (b)   Itemization Required: All applications for a grant filed pursuant to this Chapter shall include, without limitation, not less than two itemized cost estimates or quotations for completion of the eligible improvement from not less than two different contractors.
   (c)   Review and Approval of Applications: All complete applications for a grant shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, the Economic Development Coordinator for preliminary review. Upon completion of preliminary review and preliminary approval by the Economic Development Coordinator, the application shall be submitted to the Appearance Review Commission for a Certificate of Approval and recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Upon issuance of a Certificate of Approval and recommendation to the Board of Trustees, the application will be presented to the Board of Trustees for final approval, by resolution duly adopted.
   (d)   No Obligation: The Village shall have no obligation to approve any application for a grant for any eligible improvement, and any work commenced by the applicant prior to approval of the application is performed at the sole risk of the applicant.
   (e)   Application Deadline: No application for a grant shall be submitted later than the date that is 30 days after completion of the applicable eligible improvement(s).
   (f)   Requirements of Program: In order to accept a grant from the Village, the applicant must agree to abide by the following program requirements:
      (1)   The grantee is solely responsible for all maintenance of the eligible improvements installed pursuant to the Program;
      (2)   The grantee shall not apply to the Village for another grant for the same scope of work within five years after the Village's approval of the grant;
      (3)   In the five years following the installation of an eligible improvement installed pursuant to this Program, the grantee shall not alter or remove said eligible improvement without the prior written permission of the Village, with the exception of alteration or removal undertaken in furtherance of emergency repairs or as necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare;
      (4)   The grantee shall comply with any use restriction imposed by the Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion, as a condition of approving the grant;
      (5)   The grantee shall repair any damage to any right-of-way that may be caused by or in connection with the installation of the eligible improvement;
      (6)   The grantee shall, to the Village's satisfaction, complete all eligible improvements within 120 days after the Village's approval of the application; and
      (7)   The grantee shall agree to a reimbursement provision in accordance with subsection (i) of this Section.
   (g)   Re-application: If an application for a grant is denied by the Board of Trustees for any reason, then another application may be submitted not less than 90 days after the date of such denial.
   (h)   Disbursement: The Village shall disburse to the applicant the proceeds under the grant upon, but not before:
      (1)   The completion of the eligible improvement, provided that the eligible improvement is completed within 120 days of the adoption of the Board of Trustees resolution approving the grant, and the eligible improvement has been inspected and approved by the Village;
      (2)   The submission of all cost receipts to the Business Facade Rebate Program Coordinator;
      (3)   The review and approval by the Business Facade Rebate Program Coordinator of all paid receipts and applicable lien waivers submitted by the property owner or the business operator; and
      (4)   The Board of Trustees' approval of the disbursement in accordance with its warrant approval procedure.
   (i)   Reimbursement:
      (1)   If the recipient of a rebate sells the property for which a rebate was issued within five years after the eligible improvement was completed, then the property owner or its successor shall promptly reimburse the Village for the amount of the grant proceeds that have been disbursed in accordance with the following sliding scale:
Term of Grant Expired
Percentage of Grant Proceeds to Reimburse
Up to 1 year
Between 1 and 2 years
Between 2 and 3 years
Between 3 and 4 years
Between 4 and 5 years
      (2)   When an application is co-signed by a business operator and the property owner of the building in which the business is located, the co-applicants will be held jointly and severally liable under this section. (Ord. 0-21-50, 12-20-2021)