Sec. 7-105. Program Goals And Justification:
   The Business Facade Rebate Program is intended to encourage the improvement and revitalization of the visible exterior appearance of existing buildings in which businesses are located.
   The Program seeks to encourage private investment in the Village, enhance the overall tax base of local taxing districts by furthering development and improvement of eligible private building facades and sites in the Village, as well as to provide assistance to the independent merchant who may be otherwise unable to afford the improvements. The Program further seeks to improve the safety and accessibility of commercial districts and create a greater sense of community, improve pedestrian walkability, and improve the overall aesthetics of commercial districts.
   The Village has determined that the Program should be taken to implement these initiatives. The Program provides limited grants for eligible improvements to existing buildings occupied by businesses. The goal of the Program is to provide both assistance and incentive to property owners and business operators to improve the appearance of their property and place of business. (Ord. 0-21-50, 12-20-2021)